historical scenes

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Древности Российскаго государства, изданныя по высочайшему повелению. 1849-1853. 39

Древности Российскаго государства, изданныя по высочайшему повелению. ...

Русский: Древности Российскаго государства, изданныя по высочайшему повелению. 1849-1853

Turkestanskīĭ alʹbom, chastʹ istoricheskai︠a︡ / / po raspori︠a︡zhenīi︠u︡ Turkestanskago General-Gubernatora K.P. fon Kaufmana I-go sostavil M.A. Terentʹev.

Turkestanskīĭ alʹbom, chastʹ istoricheskai︠a︡ / / po raspori︠a︡zhenīi︠...

The plates contain (in a complete copy) 203 photographs and 13 hand-colored maps or plans. Produced in 7 copies? Collection has been digitized and is available online. See the collection overview, 287_turkestan... More

Russia in Pictures - Color lithographs
Russia in Pictures. Color Lithoghraphs Album.
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s

Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s

1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера

Military uniforms: Russia, 1700-33.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1700-33.

The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 19th-century European infantry.

Memories of the Karasubazar Khakham. Scenes and views before his departure to Jerusalem in 1899

Memories of the Karasubazar Khakham. Scenes and views before his depar...

Альбом Воспоминаний о Карасубазарском Хахаме. Сцены и виды перед отъездом его в Иерусалим в 1899 г.

Russia, 960-1694 [part 2]. - A painting of a man in armor on a horse

Russia, 960-1694 [part 2]. - A painting of a man in armor on a horse

The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 17th, 18th, 19th-century European cavalry.

From Ukrainian antiquity, 1900