
162 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Krestny hod, Moscow, Russian Empire

Krestny hod, Moscow, Russian Empire

Religious procession from the Blagovecshensky Cathedral in the Kremlin Крестный ход у Благовещенского собора в Кремле

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhail Nikitich Romanov. Selo Nyrob. Ural

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhai...

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Main iconostasis of Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow (1914)

Main iconostasis of Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow (1914)

Иконостас Благовещенского собора Московского кремля в 1914 году Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Ikona Kazanskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi. Dar T︠S︡ari︠a︡ Mikhaila Ḟeodorovicha. Makarʹevskīĭ monastyrʹ, photographic print

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Ikona Kazanskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi. Dar T︠S︡ari︠a...

In album: Views along the upper Volga River, from Kashin to Makarev, Russian Empire, LOT 10340, no. 472. Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division... More

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Vladimir, Predtechenskaya church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church.

Vladimir, Predtechenskaya church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main churc...

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church. Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви.

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Icons of the Savior from the Gelati Monastery in the Caucasus, Georgia, Caucasus mountains

Icons of the Savior from the Gelati Monastery in the Caucasus, Georgia...

Иконы Спасителя из Гелатского монастыря на Кавказе

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Ikona Spasiteli︠a︡. [Gorit︠s︡kiĭ monastyrʹ, Rossiĭskai︠a︡ imperii︠a︡]

Ikona Spasiteli︠a︡. [Gorit︠s︡kiĭ monastyrʹ, Rossiĭskai︠a︡ imperii︠a︡]

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Chudotvornai︠a︡ Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi v Uspenskom sobori︠e︡ v Kostromi︠e︡

Chudotvornai︠a︡ Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi v Uspenskom sobori︠e︡...

Public domain photograph of ornamental engraving print, decor, decorated panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan churc...

Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century. Княгинин монастырь. Иконостас тёплой Казанской церкви (придела Иоанна Златоуста). Начало XX в.

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhail Nikitich Romanov. Selo Nyrob. Ural

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhai...

Public domain photograph of people in office, interior, the 1910s-1920s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Religious procession. Moscow in Murom. 1890s

Religious procession. Moscow in Murom. 1890s

Murom. Events and people. Religious procession on the Moscow street in Murom. 1890s Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход на ул. Московской в Муроме. 1890-е

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

A black and white photo of a man in uniform. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi, pozhertvovannai︠a︡ Mikhailom Ḟeodorovichem Romanovym. Nakhoditsi︠a︡ nad i︠u︡zhn. vratami Uspenskago sobora

Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi, pozhertvovannai︠a︡ Mikhailom Ḟeodoro...

Public domain photograph of ornamental engraving print, decor, decorated panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ceremony of blessing the apple, procession from the Cathedral of the Assumption, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

Ceremony of blessing the apple, procession from the Cathedral of the A...

H12205 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 4746. Public domain photograph of a landmark building, world heritage site, stereoscopic card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi, kotoroĭ inokini︠a︡ Marḟa, matʹ t︠s︡ari︠a︡ Mikhaila Ḟeodorovicha, blagoslavli︠a︡la ego na t︠s︡arstvo. [Ipatʹevskīĭ monastyrʹ, Kostroma]

Ikona Ḟedorovskoĭ Bozhʹeĭ Materi, kotoroĭ inokini︠a︡ Marḟa, matʹ t︠s︡a...

Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

A black and white photo of a bearded man. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main ch...

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church (the upper part). Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви (верхняя часть).

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]

A painting of a bearded man with a staff. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lampada. Dar Gosudari︠a︡ Imperatora Nikolai︠a︡ II i Gosudaryni Imperatrit︠s︡y Aleksandry Ḟeodorovny. V Blagovi︠e︡shchenskoĭ t︠s︡erkvi. [Makarʹevskīĭ monastyrʹ]

Lampada. Dar Gosudari︠a︡ Imperatora Nikolai︠a︡ II i Gosudaryni Imperat...

Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhail Nikitich Romanov. Selo Nyrob. Ural

Ikonostas v chasovni︠e︡ na mi︠e︡sti︠e︡, gdi︠e︡ byl zakli︠u︡chen Mikhai...

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Murom, Procession. 1905 - Public domain portrait photograph

Murom, Procession. 1905 - Public domain portrait photograph

Murom. Events and people. Religious Procession. 1905. Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход. 1905.

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве


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