Private male educational institution, Moscow, 1916
1916. Среднее частное мужское учебное заведение им. К.Кульвеца в Москве
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Poltava Elizabethan Institute. Ukraine. 1916
Полтавский Елизаветинский институт. 1916 г
Private male educational institution, Moscow, 1916
1916. Среднее частное мужское учебное заведение им. К.Кульвеца в Москве
Private male educational institution, Moscow, 1916
1916. Среднее частное мужское учебное заведение им. К.Кульвеца в Москве
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Instelling van de orde van St. George door Catharina II, tsarina van R...
Bronzen penning. Voorzijde: borststuk vrouw met helm binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: stralende orde van St. George binnen tot krans samengeknoopte wimpel met opschrift, omwonden met lauwertakken en bekroond met la... More
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Poltava Elizabethan Institute, 1916
1916. Полтавский Елизаветинский институт.
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Kirzhach, Russia, Mixed gymnasium. 1914
Mixed gymnasium. 1914 In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. After the abolition of serfdom... More
Private male educational institution, Moscow, 1916
1916. Среднее частное мужское учебное заведение им. К.Кульвеца в Москве
Famille impériale de Russie - Btv1b105257270-p049
[Recueil. Famille impériale de Russie, autres familles régnantes et personnalités politiques européennes] :
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Mosco...
1890. City correctional home for teenagers of the Rukavishnikov brothers in Moscow
Sanatorium named after Her Imperial Highness Princess Eugenia of Olden...
Санатория имени Ея Императорскаго Высочества принцессы Евгении Максимилиановны Ольденбургской в г. Чите. 1 июля 1904 г. - 1 декабря 1905 г.