View of the pond of the Bialowieza Palace
View of a part of a pond arranged in a park near the Bialowieza Palace in 1895 by the design of Valery Cronenberg. Вид части пруда, устроенного в парке у Беловежского дворца в 1895 г. по проекту Валерия Кроненберга.
The Tsar's Hunt 1894, Russian Empire, 19th century
The Tsar's Hunt 1890s. Царская охота, 1890e.
Odessa, Andreevsky Liman 1900-1914
Public domain photograph of a postcard, historic place view, landmark, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Solovetsky Monastery Holy Gates
December 1907, the peasant of the Estland province, Jan Soberg, opened a photographic institution in Arkhangelsk. In 1909, the Photographic Society began to work in Arkhangelsk, and Jan Soberg became a member. ... More
Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia, 1887
Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More
Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia - Residents types.
Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More
Temporary dwelling. Hunters, Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia
Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More
Murmansk shore, Murman. Verkhoyansk mountains.
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Kanina Land Shore Erosion.., Russian Empire, 19th century
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Murmansk shore, Murman. Drying nets.
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Murmansk shore, Murman. Fishing boats.
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Novaya Zemlya. Dog team., Russian Empire, 19th century
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Novaya Zemlya. - Public domain portrait photograph
Samoyeds (also "Samoyed", "self-united") were first called only the Nenets - the largest Samoyed people, but later this name was also used as a collective name for all Samoyedic peoples. Самоедами (также «само... More
Murmansk shore, Murman. Pomor boats.
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of... More
Pinega in winter, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Pinega is one of the oldest settlements in the Arkhangelsk region. By decree of Empress Catherine II in 1780, on the site of the abolished Kevrol district and part of the Dvinsky county, the Pinega county of th... More
Clergy assembly. Sura on the Sura River. Archangel region, 1891
One of the oldest settlements on Pinega. Mentioned in the Novgorod document of 1471 as "Sura filthy." The village was part of the Kevrol, Pinega and Arkhangelsk districts. the birthplace of John of Kronstadt: R... More
Kholmogory, portrait - Public domain portrait photograph
Kholmogory was first mentioned in the charter charter of the Novgorod prince Svyatoslav Olgovich 1138 as the Novgorod "Ivani-Pogost". The name of Kholmogory (originally Kolmogory, Kolmogorsky town) is containe... More
View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century
View of Vladimir from Klyazma. Вид Владимира с Клязьмы.
Vladimir - view from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century
Vladimir - view of Klyazma. Вид Клязьмы из Владимира.
Vladimir - View of Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century
View of Klyazma. Вид Клязьмы. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vladimir, view from the Klyazma.
Vladimir, view from the Klyazma. Владимир, вид с Клязьмы.
Flood of the Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century
Vladimir. The flood of the Klyazma River. Владимир. Разлив реки Клязьмы.
Entrance of The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - Pokrov on Ner...
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in memory of the deceased son of Grand Duke Izyaslav Andreevich between 1158 and 1165. Vasily Tatishchev in the "History of the Russian" writes that "the mas... More
Vyazniki of Vladimir Gubernia - Surroundings, Tolmachevo village
Surroundings, Tolmachevo village Vyazniki history starts from the ancient city-fortress Yaropolch-Zalessky, founded by Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich in 1135-1138. The city was burnt in 1239 by the troops of Ba... More
Kirzhach, Russia - Kirzhach River
Kirzhach River In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. After the abolition of serfdom, indus... More
Shemakha Province, Russian empire
Shemakha Province This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s culture... More
Nizhny Novgorod Province, Russian empire, 1856
Nizhny Novgorod Province This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s ... More
Nizhny Novgorod Province, Russian empire, 1856
This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s culture, history, economy,... More
Vologda Province, Russian empire, 1856
This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s culture, history, economy,... More
View of the Solovetsky Monastery from the hotel.
The Solovetsky Monastery. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. 1916. Вид на Соловецкий монастырь из гостиницы. Соловецкий монастырь. Архангельская губерния, Россия. Фотографии Прокудина Г... More
Town of Kem view. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gor...
Town of Kem view. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. Город Кемь. Общий вид. Архангельская губерния, Россия. Фотографии Прокудина Горского.
Voitskiy Falls. Located near the village of Nadvoitsa on the river Niz...
Voitskiy Falls. Located near the village of Nadvoitsa on the river Nizhny Vyg. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. Воицкий водопад. Находится у посёлка Надвоицы на реке Нижний Выг. Арханг... More
Voitskiy Falls., Russian Empire
Voitskiy Falls. Located near the village of Nadvoitsa on the river Nizhny Vyg. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. Воицкий водопад. Находится у посёлка Надвоицы на реке Нижний Выг. Арханге... More
View of the Ipatiev Monastery from the Kostroma River.
Not far from the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma rivers is located one of the most ancient monasteries in Russia - the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery. The territory of the monastery consists of two parts: ... More
Gelendzhik on the Black Sea.
Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.
Gelendzhik on the Black Sea.
Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.
Gelendzhik on the Black Sea.
Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.
Kara (Kars) Gorge
1877. Война с турками
Village of Akhtanizovskaya
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the village of Akhtanizovskaya. September 26, 1912.
Solntsevo estate on the banks of the Klyazma river, 1910s
Усадьба «Солнцево» на берегу Клязьмы, 1910-е
Solntsevo estate on the banks of the Klyazma river, 1910s
Усадьба «Солнцево» на берегу Клязьмы, 1910-е
Solntsevo estate on the banks of the Klyazma river, 1910s
Усадьба «Солнцево» на берегу Клязьмы, 1910-е
Solntsevo estate on the banks of the Klyazma river, 1910s
Усадьба «Солнцево» на берегу Клязьмы, 1910-е
Siberian mountains
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Travels in Siberia and Central Asia
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Arkhipo-Osipovka, on the Black Sea
Архипо-Осиповка, окрестности Геленджика
Nile river, Wadi Halfa, Sudan, 1910
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. День 17-18. Вади-Хальфа
Nile river, Wadi Halfa, Sudan, 1910
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. День 17-18. Вади-Хальфа
Ring mountain. Kislovodsk, Stavropol region 1910s
Кисловодск, Ставропольский край
1910 Egypt. Along the Nile. Abydos, The temple of Seti I
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 23. Абидос 1910. F.N. Shcherbachev travels around Egypt. Part 2. Along the Nile. Day 23. Abydos
Elbrus. The North Caucas Mountains, 1910s
Северный Кавказ на фотографиях З.З.Виноградова
The North Caucas Mountains, 1910s
Северный Кавказ на фотографиях З.З.Виноградова
The North Caucas Mountains, 1910s
Северный Кавказ на фотографиях З.З.Виноградова
A group of Hevisberks in the Argun Valley beyond the Veliketil Pass. 1...
Группа хевисберок в долине Аргун за Великетильским перевалом. 1890-е
Altay near Belukha mountain
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Altay near Belukha mountain
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Altay near Belukha mountain
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Altay Mountains, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Altay Mountains, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Altay Mountains, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Altay Mountains, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Siberian Mountains, Russia, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Siberian Mountains, Russia, 1900s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Mountains near Tomsk, Siberia, Russia
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Siberian mountains, 1910s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Siberian mountains, 1910s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Siberian mountains, 1910s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Arkhangelsk province, Russia, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Steppe Switzerland - Karabulak station, Saratov province, 1910s
1910-е. Степная Швейцария (Станция Карабулак Саратовской губернии)
Kolyvanovsky plant, Russia, 1910s
1911. Колывановский завод