
8 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

"Alexander II inherited a burden of belated transformational issues, long overdue promises and recent heavy losses ... Emperor Alexander II had to drag his reforms ... He was noticeably different from his close... More

Parliament buildings and statue of the Czar Liberator, Sofia, Bulgaria

Parliament buildings and statue of the Czar Liberator, Sofia, Bulgaria

Photograph showing National Assembly building in Narodno Sabranie Square, with equestrian monument to Alexander II. J174906 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by Blair Jaekel.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

1856. His Majesty the Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich Will see the divorce of the Guard, on a raincoat against the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow on May 31. 1856. Его Величество Государь Император Александр Николаеви... More

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

1856. A public holiday given by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Alexander II on the occasion of the Sacred Coronation of September 8. 1856. Народный праздник данный Его Императорским Величеством Государем Имп... More

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

"Alexander II inherited a burden of belated transformational issues, long overdue promises and recent heavy losses ... Emperor Alexander II had to drag his reforms ... He was noticeably different from his close... More

Heroes and liberators of the Balkan peninsula. Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Heroes and liberators of the Balkan peninsula. Alexander II liberator ...

Heroes and liberators of the Balkan peninsula from under the yoke of Islam. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Alexander II. Герои и освободители Балканского полуострова из под ига мусульманства. Его Императорск... More

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

Alexander II liberator in popular publications.

"Alexander II inherited a burden of belated transformational issues, long overdue promises and recent heavy losses ... Emperor Alexander II had to drag his reforms ... He was noticeably different from his close... More

Alexander the Liberator from "Sveriges Historia från äldsta tid till våra dagar, etc"

Alexander the Liberator from "Sveriges Historia från äldsta tid till...

This image has been taken from scan 000169 from volume 06 of "Sveriges Historia från äldsta tid till våra dagar, etc". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by user... More