Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Ac...
The young soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Active Army. Petrograd. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Молодые солдаты 7-ой авиароты дают присягу перед отправкой в Действующу... More
Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Ac...
Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Active Army. Petrograd. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Молодые солдаты 7-ой авиароты дают присягу перед отправкой в Действующую Армию. П... More
Богдану Хмельницкому. Единая неделимая Россия
Bogdan Khmelnitsky monument in Kiev, Russian Empire. Русский: Памятник Богдану Хмельницкому в Киеве. Российская империя.
Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Ac...
The young soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Active Army. Petrograd. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Молодые солдаты 7-ой авиароты дают присягу перед отправкой в Действующу... More
Diet of Porvoo - Egypt - A painting of a large group of people in a bu...
Tsar Alexander I opens the Diet of Porvoo 1809label QS:Lru,"Боргоский сейм" label QS:Len,"Tsar Alexander I opens the Diet of Porvoo 1809" label QS:Lfi,"Porvoon valtiopäivien avajaiset 1809"
Агеев на присяге, Russian Empire
Имам Агеев на принятии воинской присяги солдат-магометан
Присяга, Russian Empire
The text of an oath, approved by Peter I of Russia. (Nicholas II of Russia is depicted on the top of the right page.) Русский: Текст присяги, утверждённая Петром I
Присяга Владимира Ивановича Воротынского
Oath of Vladimir Ivanovich Vorotynsky
Oath of Michael I of Russia (17th c., Rostov Kremlin)
The coronation oath of Michail Romanov // State Open-air Museum Rostov Kremlin, Rostov
Holy Russia (1916), Russian Empire
Holy Russia - Regiment of Cossacks blessed by priest before going into action in the Caucasus - 1916. Religious ceremony held outdoors. This is strange and mysterious ritual. The Cossacks (with long belted c... More
Иван Васильевич Шуйский приводит Владмирцев к присяге князю Ивану IV
Ivan Vasilievich Shuisky swears in Vladmirtsev to Prince Ivan IV Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Józef Simmler Przysięga królowej Jadwigi
Polski: Przysięga królowej Jadwigi 1867 Public domain photograph of 19th-century Polish painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description