Langeron St. Odessa, 1900-1914, Russian Empire, 19th century
Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Odessa, Pushkin's asylum. 1900-1914
Picryl description: Public domain image of a residential building, house, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
The mud cure clinic at Kuyalnik estuary
The stay of members of the imperial family in Odessa and the mud bath at the Kuyalnik estuary.1914-1915 - Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане.1914-1915
The mud cure clinic at Kuyalnik estuary
The stay of members of the imperial family in Odessa and the mud bath at the Kuyalnik estuary.1914-1915 - Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане.1914-1915
The mud cure clinic at Kuyalnik estuary
The stay of members of the imperial family in Odessa and the mud bath at the Kuyalnik estuary.1914-1915 - Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане.1914-1915
Spectators wait for the Deputies of the First State Duma
Spectators wait for the Deputies of the First State Duma to leave The Winter Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Публиа ожидает депутатов у выхода из Зимнено Дворца. Открытие I Государст... More
Trade street, Arkhangelsk (Archangel)
Arkhangelsk (Russian: Арха́нгельск, also known in English as Archangel and Archangelsk, lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea. The city spreads for over 40 kilometers (... More
Market. Arkhangelsk (Archangel)
Arkhangelsk (Russian: Арха́нгельск, also known in English as Archangel and Archangelsk, lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea. The city spreads for over 40 kilometers (... More
Seminary in Arkhangelsk (Archangel)
Arkhangelsk (Russian: Арха́нгельск, also known in English as Archangel and Archangelsk, lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea. The city spreads for over 40 kilometers (... More
Onega residents, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.
The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More
Pinega trade fair, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Pinega is one of the oldest settlements in the Arkhangelsk region. By decree of Empress Catherine II in 1780, on the site of the abolished Kevrol district and part of the Dvinsky county, the Pinega county of th... More
The transfer of exiles. 1915 - Pinega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
Pinega is one of the oldest settlements in the Arkhangelsk region. By decree of Empress Catherine II in 1780, on the site of the abolished Kevrol district and part of the Dvinsky county, the Pinega county of th... More
Astrakhan, Moscow street, Russian Empire
Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More
Visiting the yurt of the Tekins. Astrakhan, South Russia city on Volga...
Visiting the yurt of the Tekeans Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russia... More
Central Street. Baku. - Public domain historical image
Central Street. Baku. Центральная улица. Баку.
Local residents. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century
Local residents. Baku. Местные жители. Баку.
Old Baku Fortress., Russian Empire, 19th century
Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.
The Great Moscow Street from Golden Gates. Vladimir
The Great Moscow Street from Golden Gates. Большая Московская улица от Золотых Ворот.
Vladimir, Murom Street., Russian Empire, 19th century
Vladimir, Murom Street. Владимир, Муромская улица.
Muromskaya street - Vyazniki of Vladimir Gubernia
Muromskaya street Vyazniki history starts from the ancient city-fortress Yaropolch-Zalessky, founded by Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich in 1135-1138. The city was burnt in 1239 by the troops of Batu and Subedey.... More
Bazarnaya street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia
Bazarnaya street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the prin... More
Shemakha Province, Russian empire
Shemakha Province This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s culture... More
Group near lake Vygozero, Murmansk railway
Group near lake Vygozero: The picture was taken on the Murmansk railway in the area of Lake Vygozero, south of the village of Nadvoitsy. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. Группа близ ... More
Samarkand in 1890s
Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley
Samarkand in 1890s
Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley
New Orleans. Margaret Square
1896-1897. Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Часть 11. Поездка в США Новый Орлеан. Площадь Маргариты
Vintsevich family, Batalpashinskaya village.
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области
Anapa, Russia 1900-1910
Анапа в начале XX века.
Anapa, Russia 1900-1910
Анапа в начале XX века.
Travels in Siberia and Central Asia
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.
Kislovodsk, Stavropol region 1910s
Спуск от ЖД вокзала в сторону Нарзанной галереи. Кисловодск, Ставропольский край
A group of Hevisberks in the Argun Valley beyond the Veliketil Pass. 1...
Группа хевисберок в долине Аргун за Великетильским перевалом. 1890-е
Family album of Boris Dmitrievich Vostryakov.
Семейный альбом Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова.
Family album of Boris Dmitrievich Vostryakov.
Семейный альбом Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова.
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Along the Nile. From Aswan to Nubia, 1910
Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 14. От Ассуана в Нубию
Circassian charity evening in Yekaterinodar, 1914
1914. «Черкесский благотворительный вечер 2 января в Екатеринодаре»
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s
Санкт-Петербург и окрестности в 1850-х
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s
Санкт-Петербург и окрестности в 1850-х
A.V. Zhivago travels Germany. 1897
1897. А.В.Живаго путешествует по Германии.
A.V. Zhivago travels Germany. 1897
1897. А.В.Живаго путешествует по Германии.
A.V. Zhivago travels Germany. 1897
1897. А.В.Живаго путешествует по Германии.
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia, 1900-1915
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia, 1900-1915
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
"Paths of Exiles" Compiled by Henryk Wysokinski, 1915-1916
1915-1916. Альбом. «Тропы изгнанников»'. Собрано Хенриком Высокинским
Ciechocinek, Poland, 1899
Цехоцинек в 1899
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Expedition to the Arkhagel province, 1908
1908. Экспедиция в Архагельскую губернию на снимках З.З.Виноградова
Russians in Harbin 1910-1920
Харбин на фотографиях М.К. Скамони-Шапшинского
From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892
1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh
From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892
1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Altay mountains travel, 1910s
Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Travel - Siberian Rivers
Из фотоархивов Василия Васильевича Сапожникова
Harbin in 1927
Харбин в 1927
Russian Ethnograpic expedition to Ceylon and India. 1914
1914. Экспедиция А.М. и Л.А. Мерварт на о-в Цейлон и в Индию. Индусы 1914. Expedition A.M. and L.A. Mervart to the island of Ceylon and to India. Hindus
Ceylon and India - Expedition by Mervart
1914. Экспедиция А.М. и Л.А. Мерварт на о-в Цейлон и в Индию. Тамилы
Turkestan region. Photos of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov. 1914.
1914. Туркестанский край. Снимки Захария Захариевича Виноградова.