
110 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, hun zoons met echtgenotes, hun dochter met echtgenoot, en acht kleinkinderen

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina v...

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, Wilhelmina, hun zoon Willem II met echtgenote Anna Paulowna en vier kinderen, hun zoon Frederik met echtgenote Louise en twee kinderen, en hun dochter Marianne met echtgenoot A... More

Кёнигсберг Штайндамм

Кёнигсберг Штайндамм

Deutsch: Königsberg. Steindamm. Русский: Фотографии Кёнигсберга на рубеже XIX и XX веков

Император Александр II и Императрица Мария Александровна

Император Александр II и Императрица Мария Александровна

Alexander II, Maria Alexandrovna Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Inname van Parijs, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland, Frans I, keizer van Oostenrijk en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen

Inname van Parijs, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland, Frans I...

Zilveren penning. Voorzijde: borststukken van drie mannen binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: intocht van leger der geallieerden te Parijs onder Arc-de-Triomphe door binnen omschrift; afsnede: opschrift

German yacht Hohenzollern, cruiser Moltke. Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II

German yacht Hohenzollern, cruiser Moltke. Meeting of Nicholas II with...

Arrival of the German yacht Hohenzollern, accompanied by the cruiser Moltke to the raid of the Baltic port. Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. П... More

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

182. Sergeant of the Infantry Regiment, from 1700 to 1720. The view depicts the Fortress Marienburg, in Livonia, conquered by the Russian troops in 1702.

182. Sergeant of the Infantry Regiment, from 1700 to 1720. The view de...

182. Sergeant of the Infantry Regiment, from 1700 to 1720. The view depicts the Fortress Marienburg, in Livonia, conquered by the Russian troops in 1702. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Rus... More

Catherine II on horseback. Vigilius Eriksen. Great Peterhof Palace.

Catherine II on horseback. Vigilius Eriksen. Great Peterhof Palace.

"Hike to Peterhof." The picture is original. Two author repetitions are in the Hermitage and in the Moscow Armory. Catherine II on horseback. Vigilius Eriksen. Great Peterhof Palace. The portrait of Catherine I... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка



ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA - CHARLOTTE HOHENZOLLERN Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexandra Feodorovna by V.I.Pogonkin after Dawe (1820s)

Alexandra Feodorovna by V.I.Pogonkin after Dawe (1820s)

Погонкин, Владимир Иванович Портрет императрицы Александры Федоровны (c оригинала Доу) Россия, 1820-е гг. бумага, литография 49х37,5 см Эрмитаж ЭРГ-17723

Königsberg, Tiergarten Promenade

Königsberg, Tiergarten Promenade

Deutsch: Königsberg Tiergarten Promenade The palace of the winds in the past, history of poland, poland, paris skyline, paris skyline, paris skyline, paris skyline, paris skyline, paris skyline. The palace o... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Verdrag van Teplitz en van Chaumont, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland, Frans I, keizer van Oostenrijk en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen

Verdrag van Teplitz en van Chaumont, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar va...

Zilveren penning. Voorzijde: drie portretmedaillons binnen omschriften daartussen palm-, olijf- en eiketak. Keerzijde: opschrift

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia and Prince Waldemar of Prussia. 1890.

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia ...

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia and Prince Waldemar of Prussia. 1890.

570. OBER-OFFICER and UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1775 to 1786.

570. OBER-OFFICER and UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1775...

570. OBER-OFFICER and UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1775 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-186... More

Nicholas and Alexandra by Ladurner

Nicholas and Alexandra by Ladurner

Император Николай I и императрица Александра Федоровна принимают представителей податных сословий. 1840-е. А.И. Ладюрнер. Коллекция Подстаницких

Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b31 322-1

Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b31 322-1

Русский: Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907) Объяснение к таблице «КОРОНЫ». Части корон: обруч, листки (сельдерея), зубцы, пластинки, крест или держава, дуги — золотые; по... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

238 INDEX OF PLACES.   Haraell, the town of

238 INDEX OF PLACES. Haraell, the town of

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 238 INDEX OF PLACES. Haraell, the town of, 71. Hamm, in Westphalia, 70, 72. Harborg, 70, 122. Harelaw, 199. H... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Prussian Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Prussian Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress A...

Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Prussian delegation on the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Prussian delegation on the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empre...

Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

RRH of Romanov19 - Public domain portrait photograph

RRH of Romanov19 - Public domain portrait photograph

Alexandra Feodorovna (Charlotte of Prussia) Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke and Heir to the Throne of Russia, in the Czar Peter's House in Zaandam, 17 April 1839

The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke ...

De prinses van Oranje ontvangt Alexander II, grootvorst en troonopvolger van Rusland, in het Czaar Peterhuisje te Zaandam, 17 april 1839. De prinses presenteert de grootvorst een blad waarop brood (in tulbandvo... More

Kaiser and Czar on "Hohenzollern"

Kaiser and Czar on "Hohenzollern"

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Prussian grenadiers. The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

Prussian grenadiers. The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Eerste vrede van Parijs, penning met borstbeelden van Alexander, tsaar van Rusland, Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen en de hertogen van Wellington en Blucher

Eerste vrede van Parijs, penning met borstbeelden van Alexander, tsaar...

Voorzijde: borststukken van vier mannen naar rechts boven jaartal binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: gehelmde Britannia, leunend op scheepsroer en wapenschild; aan haar voeten een jongetje dat wijst op geopend boek m... More

Princess Kyra of Russia - Public domain portrait print

Princess Kyra of Russia - Public domain portrait print

Princess Kyra of Russia, May 2, 1938, at her marriage to Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Tsarina salon, Russian Empire, 19th century

Tsarina salon, Russian Empire, 19th century

К.Л. Рундт. «Салон императрицы Александры Федоровны на вилле Бутера близ Палермо»

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II.

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kai...

Prussia. Pillau - Danzig. September 12, 1901. Maneuvers and parade Kaiserlichmarine. Guest - Nicholas II. --- Пруссия. Пиллау - Данциг. 12 сентября 1901г. Маневры и парад Кайзерлихмарине. Гость - Николай II.

Crown Prince Friedrich of Prussia 1870 by Sergei Levitsky

Crown Prince Friedrich of Prussia 1870 by Sergei Levitsky

German Emperor Photo Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Ontmoeting van Napoleon I Bonaparte, keizer der Fransen, Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen op een vlot in de rivier Njemen bij Tilsit

Ontmoeting van Napoleon I Bonaparte, keizer der Fransen, Alexander I, ...

Zilveren penning. Voorzijde: naar elkaar gewende borststukken van (links) twee mannen en (rechts) derde man binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: opkomende zon verjaagt boven zee hangende wolken binnen omschrift; afsned... More

Verdrag van Kalisch en Breslau, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen

Verdrag van Kalisch en Breslau, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rus...

Zilveren penning. Voorzijde: naar elkaar gewende borststukken van twee mannen binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: monument, waarvan fries twee ineen geslagen handen draagt; middelste gedeelte twee met ordetekenen omha... More

Doop van prins Alexander van Oranje-Nassau, 1818

Doop van prins Alexander van Oranje-Nassau, 1818

Doopplechtigheid van prins Alexander van Oranje-Nassau, de tweede zoon van Willem II en Anna Paulowna, in de Grote Kerk te Den Haag op 24 augustus 1818. In het midden van de kerk staan koning Willem I, prins Fr... More

Familieportret van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, hun zoons met echtgenotes, hun dochter en vier kleinkinderen

Familieportret van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmi...

Familieportret van Willem I Frederik, Wilhelmina, hun zoon Willem II met echtgenote Anna Paulowna en vier kinderen, hun zoon Frederik met echtgenote Louise, en hun dochter Marianne. De groep bevindt zich in een... More

1917 378 Guglielmo e lo Zar, Italy

1917 378 Guglielmo e lo Zar, Italy

Original description: Before the war: Meeting Wilhelm II with his cousin Nicholas II. 1 Tsar - 2 Kaiser - with his brother Prince Adalbert and Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg; 3 Grand Duke Nicholas - 4 The Russ... More

Verdrag van Teplitz, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland, Frans I, keizer van Oostenrijk en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen

Verdrag van Teplitz, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland, Frans...

Zilveren penning. Voorzijde: borststukken van drie mannen, waarvan voorste met lauwerkrans binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: gehelmde Minerva met speer en schild binnen omschrift; afsnede: opschrift

WW1 Russian Activities 220497-11 | Footage Farm

WW1 Russian Activities 220497-11 | Footage Farm

For broadcast quality material of this reel or for more information about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [1914 (?) - French Generals Meet w/ Russians; Ice Skating Races; Mosc... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Łyntupy. Лынтупы (F. Krauskopf, 1916) (2)

Łyntupy. Лынтупы (F. Krauskopf, 1916) (2)

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Лынтупы (Łyntupy). Вайсковы аэрадром

De twee koningen der verschrikking, 1813

De twee koningen der verschrikking, 1813

Spotprent op Napoleon na de verloren slag bij Leipzig, 16-19 oktober 1813. Napoleon zittend op een trommel en de Dood als skelet, tegenover hem zittend op een kanon, beiden verslagen met de ellebogen op de knie... More

Sophia of Prussia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Sophia of Prussia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Portrait of Sophia of Prussia (1870-1932), Queen of Greece Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Mihaly Zichy-Procession Alexandra Feodorovna to Dormition Moscow

Mihaly Zichy-Procession Alexandra Feodorovna to Dormition Moscow

Mihaly von Zichy - Procession of of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna to the Cathedral of the Dormition in Moscow

Rozen met silhouetportretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, hun kinderen, zijn moeder en zijn zus

Rozen met silhouetportretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederla...

Rozen met tussen de bladeren silhouetportretten van Willem I Frederik, Wilhelmina, hun zoon Willem II met echtgenote Anna Paulowna, hun kinderen Frederik en Marianne, zijn moeder Wilhelmina en zijn zus Louise v... More

1651-53] DIARY OF TATRICK GORDON. 7   the citty, whltlicr wee arrived at iioone, and lodg-cd in a Scotsman's house

1651-53] DIARY OF TATRICK GORDON. 7 the citty, whltlicr wee arrived ...

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 1651-53] DIARY OF TATRICK GORDON. 7 the citty, whltlicr wee arrived at iioone, and lodg-cd in a Scotsman's house in ... More

16 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1654   Posna or Posen, of all the cittles in Polland, is the most pleasan

16 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1654 Posna or Posen, of all the cittles...

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 16 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1654 Posna or Posen, of all the cittles in Polland, is the most pleasant, being very we... More

1655] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 21   and actions at home

1655] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 21 and actions at home

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 1655] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 21 and actions at home), advanced money, for the which four regiments were levyed in ... More

CONTENTS.    Purpose and plan of the Diary 3   A.D. 1635.  The Author's birth and parentage

CONTENTS. Purpose and plan of the Diary 3 A.D. 1635. The Author'...

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" CONTENTS. Purpose and plan of the Diary 3 A.D. 1635. The Author's birth and parentage 3 A.D. 1640-1644— aetat. ... More

42   DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1661   misfortune

42 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1661 misfortune

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 42 DIARY OF PATEICK GORDON. [1661 raisfortuue I could not gett for any money horses to hire, and my owne be- ing w... More

1661] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 43   Wee rose early, and, towards eveniug, came to Kokenliausen

1661] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 43 Wee rose early, and, towards eveni...

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 1661] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 43 Wee rose early, and, towards eveniug, came to Kokenliausen, a towne and castle sit... More

116 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1686   a third, on the way to Konigsberg

116 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1686 a third, on the way to Konigsberg

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 116 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1686 a third, on the way to Konigsberg, being wearying of tossing upon a waggon. I pay... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Inname van Parijs, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland en Frederik Willem III, koning van Pruisen

Inname van Parijs, ter ere van Alexander I, tsaar van Rusland en Frede...

Zilveren ovale penning. Voorzijde: gevleugelde Overwinning met lauwerkrans en zwaard in handen binnen omschrift. Keerzijde: opschrift

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, hun zoons met echtgenotes, hun dochter met echtgenoot, en acht kleinkinderen

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, koning der Nederlanden, Wilhelmina v...

Portretten van Willem I Frederik, Wilhelmina, hun zoon Willem II met echtgenote Anna Paulowna en vier kinderen, hun zoon Frederik met echtgenote Louise en twee kinderen, en hun dochter Marianne met echtgenoot A... More

Overwinning van Rusland op Pruisen in de veldslagen van Crossen en Frankfurt aan de Oder / (Kunersdorf 1759

Overwinning van Rusland op Pruisen in de veldslagen van Crossen en Fra...

Tinnen penning, op de voorzijde het borstbeeld van Tsarina Elisabeth naar rechts met omschrift, op de keerzijde een soldaat met speer en vaandel, de voet op een uitstromende urn, op een slagveld met vluchtende ... More

Wilhelm von Hahnke, Russian Empire

Wilhelm von Hahnke, Russian Empire

Deutsch: preußischer Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm von Hahnke

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

224 INDEX OF PERSONS.   Ebler, Durick, shipmaster

224 INDEX OF PERSONS. Ebler, Durick, shipmaster

Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 224 INDEX OF PERSONS. Ebler, Durick, shipmaster, 68. Egler, Christian, an apothecary, 113. Eglinton, the Earl of,... More

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка


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