
10 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Князь Лазарь Сербский, Russian Empire
Dimitrije Đurić, Russian Empire

Dimitrije Đurić, Russian Empire

Српски / srpski: српски генерал sr:Димитрије Ђурић Public domain photograph - military portrait, armed forces officer, leader, commander, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Milutin DA, Russian Empire

Milutin DA, Russian Empire

Русский: Милютин, Дмитрий Алексеевич

Gartvig NG, Russian Empire

Gartvig NG, Russian Empire

Русский: Гартвиг, Николай Генрихович

Prince Ioann Konstantinovich and his wife Princess Elena Petrovna (daughter of King Peter I of Serbia)

Prince Ioann Konstantinovich and his wife Princess Elena Petrovna (dau...

Prince Ioann Konstantinovich and his wife Princess Elena Petrovna (daughter of King Peter I of Serbia)

Serbian Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Serbian Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Al...

Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More

WORMELEY(1893) p403 King Milan of Servia

WORMELEY(1893) p403 King Milan of Servia

Public domain photograph of politician, meeting, government and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

1913. 17. Сербия. Петр I, Король Сербии

1913. 17. Сербия. Петр I, Король Сербии

Русский: Альбом государей, президентов, государственных гербов и национальных флагов главнейших государств

Johan Braakensiek - De czar als Cupido

Johan Braakensiek - De czar als Cupido

De Russische tsaar Alexander III verzoent Milan I van Servië en Natalie van Servië met elkaar. Rechts koning Alexander I die zijn moeder een boeket aanreikt.

General Subotich, Russian Empire

General Subotich, Russian Empire

Русский: Субботич, Деан Иванович (1852—1920) — генерал-лейтенант Русской императорской армии, Начальник Южно-Маньчжурского отряда. English: Subbotich, Deyan Ivanovich