social welfare

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Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

1915. Ц.О.К. Приют в селе Платоново

Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Russian Red Cross Trucks ready to departure.

Russian Red Cross Trucks ready to departure.

Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna among officers and medical personnel involved in the Red Cross. - Вдовствующая императрица Мария Федоровна среди офицеров и медицинского персонала, занимающихся вопросами Красного Креста.

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

1915. Ц.О.К. Приют в селе Платоново

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

1915. Ц.О.К. Приют в селе Платоново

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Ermakov Children's shelter. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Ermakov Children's shelter. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Children's shelter Ermakov. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scal... More

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

Orphanage in the village of Platonovo, 1915

1915. Ц.О.К. Приют в селе Платоново

Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

WWI Orphanage, Tikhvin, Russia
Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of Orel, Russia 1914-1917
Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

“Visit of Their Imperial Highnesses, the Sovereign Heir and Empress Tsesarevna to the south of Russia in Novocherkassk, Rostov, Taganrog in 1869”

“Visit of Their Imperial Highnesses, the Sovereign Heir and Empress Ts...

«Визит Их Императорских Высочеств, Государя Наследника и Государыни Цесаревны на юг России в Новочеркасск, Ростов,Таганрог в 1869 году»