Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...
Kolchak and Nicholas II are among the highest naval commanders. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Колчак и Николай II среди высших флотских ... More
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- Русская армия в первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала графа Ф.А.Келлера.
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
A group of soldiers from the captured German aircraft Albatros. Radom ...
A group of soldiers from the captured German aircraft Albatros. Radom province, art. Konsk. March 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Группа военных у немецкого трофейного летательного аппарата... More
Kovel. July-August 1915. during World War I
Kovel. July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Ковель. Июль-август 1915. XX корпусной авиационный отряд на войне 1914-1915 гг.
Soldiers and officers of the squadron receiving St. George medals cere...
Soldiers and officers of the squadron during the ceremony of the St. George medals. Riga. 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Солдаты и офицеры авиаотряда во время церемонии вручения Георгиевск... More
Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Ac...
Soldiers of the 7th Airborne give the oath before being sent to the Active Army. Petrograd. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Молодые солдаты 7-ой авиароты дают присягу перед отправкой в Действующую Армию. П... More
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
Navy Admiral. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, c...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Artillery. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, cons...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Hussar. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consist...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Cavalry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Infantry musketeer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial tro...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Navy regiment grenadier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperia...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Garrison officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troop...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Provision soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troo...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
Foreign office soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial...
Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.
109. Strelets of the Moscow Streletsky Regiments: Kolobov, Aleksandrov...
109. Strelets of the Moscow Streletsky Regiments: Kolobov, Aleksandrov, Golovlinsky and Bukhvostov; in 1674. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on ... More
200. Privates Infantry Garrison Regiments, from 1720 to 1732. In Workw...
200. Private Infantry Garrison Regiments, from 1720 to 1732. In Workwear and Workwear "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 18... More
297. Musketeers OBER-OFFICERS of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1...
297. Musketeers OBER-OFFICERS of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1761. (In the all-day and in the dress uniform). "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", com... More
Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s
Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк 1910. У дома ротмистра Арцебушева
Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s
Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк, 1901. Оркестр полковых трубачей
208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914
1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк
208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914
1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк
History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.
1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album
Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album
Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album
Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album
Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича
200th anniversary of the 9th Ingermanland Infantry Regiment of Russian...
1903. Празднование 200-летия учреждения 9 пехотного Ингерманландского полка императора Петра I полка, ранее Староингерманландского генерала-фельдмаршала князя Михаила Голицына
World War I - Emperor Nicholas II on the Western Front, 1915
1915. Император Николай II на Западном фронте
World War I - Emperor Nicholas II on the Western Front, 1915
1915. Император Николай II на Западном фронте
Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897
1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка
21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment
21 драгунский Белорусский полк
21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment
21 драгунский Белорусский полк
Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Drago...
1901. Празднование 200-летнего юбилея 44-го драгунского Нижегородского полка
Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Drago...
1901. Празднование 200-летнего юбилея 44-го драгунского Нижегородского полка
Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Drago...
1901. Празднование 200-летнего юбилея 44-го драгунского Нижегородского полка
Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Drago...
1901. Празднование 200-летнего юбилея 44-го драгунского Нижегородского полка
Maneuvers of the Jaeger Regiment, Russia, 1900
1900. Маневры Егерского полка
Maneuvers of the Jaeger Regiment, Russia, 1900
1900. Маневры Егерского полка
Maneuvers of the Jaeger Regiment, Russia, 1900
1900. Маневры Егерского полка
Russian army, Turkish direction of the Caucasian Front in 1916-1917
Части русской армии на турецком направлении Кавказского фронта в 1916-1917 гг.
Russian army, Turkish direction of the Caucasian Front in 1916-1917
Части русской армии на турецком направлении Кавказского фронта в 1916-1917 гг.
Kremenchug. Review of the regiments before being sent to the active ar...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Kharkov. Review of the regiments before being sent to the far east fro...
Review of the regiments before being sent to the active army. 1904 - Смотр полков перед отправкой в действующую армию. 1904
Nicholas II visits Riga fortified area.
Emperor Nicholas II, heir to the Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich, commander of the XII army, the general from the infantry VN Gorbatovsky, and officers bypass the guard of honor of the 4th dragoon Novotroitsky Ek... More
45 th Infantry Azovsky of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Boris Vladi...
45 th Infantry Azovsky of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich regiment. Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (Russian: Борис Владимирович; 24 November 1877 – 9 November 1943) was a son of ... More
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916. - Прибытие государя императора Николая Второго в расположение 1-й Армии. 30 января 1916.
The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment
The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment passes by the Winter Palace after the end of the reception by the Emperor Nicholas II of the members of the City Council and the deputies of t... More
Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Ru...
Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment. Улица Вокзальная. Взвод барабанщиков 10 Малороссийского гренадерского полка.
The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915
The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Officers of the company lieutenant Kunovsky (left) and staff captain Stepanov - next to the car. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Офицеры роты поручик Куно... More
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.