soldiers, uniforms

877 media by topicpage 1 of 9
45 th Infantry Azovsky of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich regiment.

45 th Infantry Azovsky of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Boris Vladi...

45 th Infantry Azovsky of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich regiment. Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (Russian: Борис Владимирович; 24 November 1877 – 9 November 1943) was a son of ... More

Semyonovsky Regiment  on Palace Square

Semyonovsky Regiment on Palace Square

The Orchestra of the Life Guards Regiment of the Semyonovsky Regiment leaves the Winter Palace on Palace Square during the reception by the Emperor Nicholas II of members of the First State Duma. Opening of the... More

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment passes by the Winter Palace after the end of the reception by the Emperor Nicholas II of the members of the City Council and the deputies of t... More

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment.

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Ru...

Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment. Улица Вокзальная. Взвод барабанщиков 10 Малороссийского гренадерского полка.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.

Leib Hussar. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Leib Hussar. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, co...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Bombardier, cannoneer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Bombardier, cannoneer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial ...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Novotroitsk regiment officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Novotroitsk regiment officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Im...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Light cavalry soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Light cavalry soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial ...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Light cavalry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Light cavalry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial ...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Horseman Yeger. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Horseman Yeger. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops,...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Infantry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Infantry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troop...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Officer of the First Navy battalion. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Officer of the First Navy battalion. Images of the uniforms of the Rus...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Senat and Proviant. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Senat and Proviant. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial tro...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

277. PRIVATE and L.-G. The Semenovsky and the SL. L.-G. Izmaylovsky regiments, from 1732 to 1742

277. PRIVATE and L.-G. The Semenovsky and the SL. L.-G. Izmaylovsky re...

277. PRIVATE and L.-G. The Semenovsky and the SL. L.-G. Izmaylovsky regiments, from 1732 to 1742 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest ... More

408. Musketeers of the Guards Regiments, 1762.

408. Musketeers of the Guards Regiments, 1762.

408. Musketeers of the Guards Regiments, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 408. МУШКЕТ... More

Unter-Officer, Private and Drummer of the Invalid Corps, 1756-1761.

Unter-Officer, Private and Drummer of the Invalid Corps, 1756-1761.

Unter-Officer, Private and Drummer of the Invalid Corps, 1756-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovato... More

706. Privates of Garrison artillery of the field Artillery Fourstat, from 1786 to 1796.

706. Privates of Garrison artillery of the field Artillery Fourstat, f...

706. Privates of Garrison artillery of the field Artillery Fourstat, from 1786 to 1796. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: ... More

Cossacks of the Khopyorsky regiment

Cossacks of the Khopyorsky regiment

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of Cossacks of the Khopyorsky regiment with their wives and children

65th Moscow Infantry Regiment of His Majesty 1700-1900

65th Moscow Infantry Regiment of His Majesty 1700-1900

65 пехотный Московский Его Величества полк 1700-1900

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Elisavetgrad Cavalry School, 1908

Elisavetgrad Cavalry School, 1908

1908. Альбом фотографий Елисаветградского кавалерийского училища

Siberian Cossaks, 1900s
Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

1899. Формы лейб-гвардии Гарнизонного батальона и лейб-гвардии Резервного пехотного полка с его Кадровым батальоном

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

History of Russian Imperial Life Guards
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Odessa Infantry Junker School at training camp in Crimea, 1908

Odessa Infantry Junker School at training camp in Crimea, 1908

1908. «...Воспоминание о посещении Одесского пехотного юнкерского училища на подвижном сборе в Крыму»

Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка

Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, 1901

Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the 44th Nizhny Novgorod Drago...

1901. Празднование 200-летнего юбилея 44-го драгунского Нижегородского полка

World War One. Album of Lieutenant General Alexey Evgenievich Gutor.

World War One. Album of Lieutenant General Alexey Evgenievich Gutor.

1914-1917. Из альбома генерал-лейтенанта Алексея Евгеньевича Гутора

Russian army in Central Asia, 1900s
Album of Nicholas II, 1911-1913

Album of Nicholas II, 1911-1913

Альбом Николая II, 1911-1913 гг. ГА РФ ф. 601 оп. 1 д. 1530

France (Pays Bas). Compagnie de [...] Fusilier, Infanterie de Ligne (125 Régiment). (1812)

France (Pays Bas). Compagnie de [...] Fusilier, Infanterie de Ligne (1...

The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 18th-19th-century European armies.

Russia, 1855 [part 2]. - A drawing of a soldier on a horse

Russia, 1855 [part 2]. - A drawing of a soldier on a horse

The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 17th, 18th, 19th-century European cavalry.

Khabarovsk - two Cossack soldiers and ponies

Khabarovsk - two Cossack soldiers and ponies

Gift; William P. Meeker; 1971. Forms part of: Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942. World's Transportation Commission photograph collection (Library of Congress).

Казаки during World War I, Russian Empire

Казаки during World War I, Russian Empire

Repository/Location: Rybinsk State History, Architecture and Art Museum-reserve Rybinsk

Soldiers and officers of the air force. Radom province, art. Konsk, March 1915.

Soldiers and officers of the air force. Radom province, art. Konsk, Ma...

Soldiers and officers of the air force. Radom province, station Konsk, March 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Солдаты и офицеры авиационного отряда. Радомская губерния, ст. Конск, Март 1915.... More

Infantry. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Infantry. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consi...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consis...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Cavalry Guard officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Cavalry Guard officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial ...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Cossack officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Cossack officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Cyrasir. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Cyrasir. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consis...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

St.George Cuirassier officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

St.George Cuirassier officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Im...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Senat soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Senat soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, ...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

622. THE PRIVATE AND COMMAND OFFICER OF Kharkov and the PRIVATE and OBER-OFFICER of the Akhtyrsky Hussar Regiments, from 1765 to 1776.


622. THE PRIVATE AND COMMAND OFFICER OF Kharkov and the PRIVATE and OBER-OFFICER of the Akhtyrsky Hussar Regiments, from 1765 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from an... More

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк 1912. Группа офицеров возле палатки

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк 1910. Поход из Петергофа в Красное. Поручик Палицын со II эскадроном

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк 1909. Конные состязания в Старом Петергофе. Лошадь «Лисичка» на конных состязаниях.

65th Moscow Infantry Regiment of His Majesty 1700-1900

65th Moscow Infantry Regiment of His Majesty 1700-1900

65 пехотный Московский Его Величества полк 1700-1900

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Elisavetgrad Cavalry School, 1908

Elisavetgrad Cavalry School, 1908

1908. Альбом фотографий Елисаветградского кавалерийского училища

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

1899. Формы лейб-гвардии Гарнизонного батальона и лейб-гвардии Резервного пехотного полка с его Кадровым батальоном

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

History of Russian Imperial Life Guards
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Odessa Infantry Junker School at training camp in Crimea, 1908

Odessa Infantry Junker School at training camp in Crimea, 1908

1908. «...Воспоминание о посещении Одесского пехотного юнкерского училища на подвижном сборе в Крыму»

Czechoslovak Legion in Russia

Czechoslovak Legion in Russia

Альбом чешского легионера


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