sport competitions

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Brest Litovsk during WWI during World War I

Brest Litovsk during WWI during World War I

On August 4th, 2015, Warsaw, the capital of Russian Poland, surrendered to Germans without a fight. Fortresses at Kovno and Brest-Litovsk, among several others, capitulated. By September 18th when the fortress ... More

Alexander III. Coronation, May 15 (27), 1883

Alexander III. Coronation, May 15 (27), 1883

Александр III. Коронация, 15(27) мая 1883 года

Alexander III. Coronation, May 15 (27), 1883

Alexander III. Coronation, May 15 (27), 1883

Александр III. Коронация, 15(27) мая 1883 года

Tennis play. The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

Tennis play. The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More