His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich for a walk. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич на прогулке.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich in the hands of the boatswain Dereven'ko. The Imperial Yacht "Standart". Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского ... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich on the deck of the Imperial yacht "Standart". Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей ... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region (10-19.6.1891). In the village of Pokrovka, Nicholas met with the local ... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Emperor of Russia Nikolay II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna family p...
Император России Николай II с семьёй
Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholaevich
Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholaevich in hussar uniform Public domain photograph - portrait of an officer in military uniform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Nikol...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich with the sister of the Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цеса... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nicolas II Asia Tour - Public domain portrait photograph
A photograph from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich", edition of 1893. On the photo: Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich sits in the c... More
Nicolas II Asia Tour. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
The Japanese section of the exhibition, in which, in the winter of 1893-1894, Objects exhibited by Nikolai Aleksandrovich from a trip to the East in 1890-1891 were exhibited. The exhibition was arranged in the ... More
Nicolas II Asia Tour. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
The city of Otsu. Japan. The house in which the Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich was brought after the attempt. Here, the first dressing was done. Journey to the East Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Em... More
Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei
Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei. Yacht Standard.
Nicholas II with Tsesarevich Alexey
Nikolay II with Tsesarevich Alexey Николай Второй с Цесаревичем Алексеем
Czarewitch, 1909 (LOC) - Public domain portrait print
Bain News Service,, publisher...Czarewitch, 1909..1909 (date created or published later by Bain)..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service... More
Tsesarevich Alexei - Public domain portrait photograph
Tsesarevich Alexei Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tsarevich Alexei - Public domain portrait photograph
Tsarevich Alexei Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Hessian Princess Alice afte...
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) and Hessian Princess Alice (future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna) after the betrothal, surrounded by relatives. Princess Alice sits in the seco... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Khabarovsk, Nicolas II Asia Tour
Arrival to Khabarovsk. May 20 Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich solemnly said goodbye to the crew of the frigate "Memory of Azov" and on May 21 left Vladivostok, traveling across Siberia to Petersburg, where he... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich aboard the Imperial yacht "Standart". 1914 Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Ник... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich for a walk. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич на прогулке.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholaevich
Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholaevich in military uniform Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
“Visit of Their Imperial Highnesses, the Sovereign Heir and Empress Ts...
«Визит Их Императорских Высочеств, Государя Наследника и Государыни Цесаревны на юг России в Новочеркасск, Ростов,Таганрог в 1869 году»
Czarewitch Alexei - Public domain portrait photograph
Bain News Service,, publisher...Czarewitch..[between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920]..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or ... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich with a camera in his hands. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич с фотока... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Constantin Pavlovich - grand duke of Russia
Konstantin Pavlovich - 27 April 1779 – 27 June 1831) was a grand duke of Russia and the second son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. He was the Tsesarevich of Russia throughout the reign of ... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nicolas II Asia Tour - Nagasaki, Japan
April 15, 1891, accompanied by six ships of the Russian Imperial Fleet, the Tsarevich Nicholas arrived in Japan.Nagasak raid. During the journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Heir Cesarevich Nikolai ... More
6 years old Alexey, 1910 The Romanovs of Russia
Czarevich Alexey, 1910 The Romanovs of Russia
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Hessian Princess Alice afte...
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) and Hessian Princess Alice (future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna) after the betrothal, surrounded by relatives. Princess Alice sits in the seco... More
Emperor Nicholas II and heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei ...
Emperor Nicholas II and heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Император Николай II и Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nicolas II Asia Tour - Ienasa, Japan
Yenas. The Russian colony near Nagasaki, examined by Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, heir to the throne, during his journey to the East of 1890-1891. Иенаса. Русская колония около Нагасаки, осмотренная Насле... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Heir Nikolai Tsesarevich, Grand Dukes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Vladim...
Наследник цесаревич Николай Александрович (9-й справа), великий князь Михаил Александрович (справа от Николая), великий князь Владимир Александрович (6-й справа), помощник министра императорского Двора граф Вла... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region (10-19.6.1891). In the village of Pokrovka, Nicholas met with the local ... More
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nicolas II Asia Tour - Nagasaki, Japan
Nagasaki, Japan April 15 (April 27) 1891. Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) and Prince George of Greece look from the balcony to the spiritual procession, arranged in honor of ... More
Nicolas II Asia Tour. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Idol of Buddha, carved into a rock in the vicinity of Kyoto. Tsesarevich was seen during the journey of the Heir to the throne of the Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich to the East in 1890-1891. Идол Будды, высе... More
Czarewitch, 1909 (LOC) - Public domain portrait photograph
Bain News Service,, publisher...Czarewitch, 1909..1909 (date created or published later by Bain)..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service... More
Emperor Nicholas II and heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei ...
Emperor Nicholas II and heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Император Николай II и Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexe...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.
Nicolas II Asia Tour. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Nagasaki. The raft, loaded with gifts of the Japanese for his Imperial Highness the heir to the throne of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich. 1891 year. Нагасаки. Плот, нагруженный подарками японцев для его Импе... More
Khabarovsk. Nicolas II Asia Tour
Arrival of the heir to the throne of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich to the city school of Blagoveshchensk during his journey through Siberia. The journey of 1890-1891. Прибытие Наследника престола Цесаревича ... More
“Visit of Their Imperial Highnesses, the Sovereign Heir and Empress Ts...
«Визит Их Императорских Высочеств, Государя Наследника и Государыни Цесаревны на юг России в Новочеркасск, Ростов,Таганрог в 1869 году»
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov visiting Transbaikal region
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, being heir to the throne and returning from the "round-the-world" journey, visited the Transbaikal region.