
1,759 media by topicpage 1 of 18
A review of the cavalry regiments on the Tsarskoe selo meadow (In remembrance on April 15, 1896). -  Смотр кавалерийских полков на Царицыном лугу (В воспоминание 15 апреля 1896 года)

A review of the cavalry regiments on the Tsarskoe selo meadow (In reme...

A review of the cavalry regiments on the Tsaritsyno (In remembrance on April 15, 1896). - Смотр кавалерийских полков на Царицыном лугу (В воспоминание 15 апреля 1896 года)

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

Kolchak and Nicholas II are among the highest naval commanders. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Колчак и Николай II среди высших флотских ... More

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- Русская армия в первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала графа Ф.А.Келлера.

Saint Petersburg. The visit of Prince of China Zaitao to Russia. 1910

Saint Petersburg. The visit of Prince of China Zaitao to Russia. 1910

The visit of Prince of China Zaitao to Russia. 1910 Визит принца Китая Цзай-Тао в Россию. 1910

Poincaré, accompanied by a squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty's Cossacks

Poincaré, accompanied by a squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty'...

Poincaré, accompanied by a squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty's Cossacks, the regiment passes along Nevsky Prospekt. Пуанкаре в сопровождении эскадрона лейб-гвардии Казачьего его величества полка проез... More

Vladimir Voluntary Fire Society. Fire Squad.

Vladimir Voluntary Fire Society. Fire Squad.

Vladimir Voluntary Fire Society. Fire Squad. Дружина Владимирского добровольного пожарного общества.

Soldiers and officers of the squadron receiving St. George medals ceremony. Riga. 1915

Soldiers and officers of the squadron receiving St. George medals cere...

Soldiers and officers of the squadron during the ceremony of the St. George medals. Riga. 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Солдаты и офицеры авиаотряда во время церемонии вручения Георгиевск... More

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.

Nizhniy Novgorod. The image of all civilian uniforms for all provinces. 1798.

Nizhniy Novgorod. The image of all civilian uniforms for all provinces...

The image of all civilian uniforms for all provinces. 1798. Изображение всех статских мундиров для всех губерний.1798.

Figures depicting powder master of Artillery ministers in the office of Inspector Graf Arakcheev. 1807.

Figures depicting powder master of Artillery ministers in the office o...

Figures depicting different types of clothes of Artillery ministers in the office of Inspector Graf Arakcheev. 1807. Рисунки, изображающие различных видов одежду Артиллерийских служителей в правление Инспектор... More

Navy Admiral. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Navy Admiral. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, c...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Artillery. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Artillery. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, cons...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Hussar. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Hussar. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consist...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Cavalry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Cavalry officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Infantry musketeer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Infantry musketeer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial tro...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Navy regiment grenadier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Navy regiment grenadier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperia...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Garrison officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Garrison officer. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troop...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Provision soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Provision soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troo...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

Foreign office soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793.

Foreign office soldier. Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial...

Images of the uniforms of the Russian-Imperial troops, consisting of 88 persons illuminated. 1793. Изображения мундиров российско-императорского войска, состоящих из 88 лиц иллюминированных. 1793.

160 - 161. HATS of Officers and Lower ranks, from 1700 to 1732. Fusey a) 1701, b) 1710, c) 1717 and d) 1723 years.

160 - 161. HATS of Officers and Lower ranks, from 1700 to 1732. Fusey ...

160 - 161. HATS of Officers and Lower ranks, from 1700 to 1732. Fusey a) 1701, b) 1710, c) 1717 and d) 1723 years. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compil... More

200. Privates Infantry Garrison Regiments, from 1720 to 1732. In Workwear and Workwear

200. Privates Infantry Garrison Regiments, from 1720 to 1732. In Workw...

200. Private Infantry Garrison Regiments, from 1720 to 1732. In Workwear and Workwear "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 18... More

297. Musketeers OBER-OFFICERS of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1761. (In the all-day and in the dress uniform).

297. Musketeers OBER-OFFICERS of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1...

297. Musketeers OBER-OFFICERS of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1761. (In the all-day and in the dress uniform). "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", com... More

362. MUSICIAN L.-G. Semenovsky and Grenadiersky DRUMER L.-G. Izmailovsky regiments, from 1742 to 1762.

362. MUSICIAN L.-G. Semenovsky and Grenadiersky DRUMER L.-G. Izmailovs...

362. MUSICIAN L.-G. Semenovsky and Grenadiersky DRUMER L.-G. Izmailovsky regiments, from 1742 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the hi... More



406. SERGEANT AND CANONIR OF FIELD ARTILLERY, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 406. СЕ... More

672. The chief officer and non-combatant of Carabinier Squadron of the Legion of St. Petersburg, from 1769 to 1775.

672. The chief officer and non-combatant of Carabinier Squadron of the...

672. The chief officer and non-combatant of Carabinier Squadron of the Legion of St. Petersburg, from 1769 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compi... More

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк 1910. У дома ротмистра Арцебушева

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, Russia 1900s

Лейб-гвардии Драгунский полк, 1901. Оркестр полковых трубачей

Officers of Tersk artillery
Cavalry Battery in Buynaksk (Temir-Khan-Shura)
Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Группа преподавателей и священник двухклассного училища ст.Вознесенской, открытого в 1890 г. Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области станицы Баракаевской

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

208th Lori Infantry Regiment, 1914

1914. 208-й пехотный Лорийский полк

Russian Nobility medical and sanitary detachment in Harbin

Russian Nobility medical and sanitary detachment in Harbin

1904-1905. Дворянский врачебно-санитарный отряд в Харбине

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

History of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment 1883.

1883. История лейб-гвардии Семеновского полка

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811-1911

In memory of the centenary of the 24th Simbirsk Infantry Regiment 1811...

В память столетия 24го пехотного Симбирского полка 1811-1911

Russian officers of Port Arthur
Russian officers of Port Arthur
Russian officers of Port Arthur
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossacs Territory
Siberian Cossaks, 1900s
Siberian Cossaks, 1900s
Siberian Cossaks, 1900s
Faculty of the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps 1885
Voronezh Grand Duke's Mikhail Pavlovich Cadet Corps, 1900s

Voronezh Grand Duke's Mikhail Pavlovich Cadet Corps, 1900s

1900-е. Воронежский Великого Князя Михаила Павловича кадетский корпус

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

1899. Формы лейб-гвардии Гарнизонного батальона и лейб-гвардии Резервного пехотного полка с его Кадровым батальоном

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

Uniforms of the Life Guards of Russian Empire, 1899

1899. Формы лейб-гвардии Гарнизонного батальона и лейб-гвардии Резервного пехотного полка с его Кадровым батальоном

Graduates of the Poltava officers school
Oryol Bakhtin Cadet Corps, 1900
221st Infantry Reserve Troitsko-Sergievsky Regiment Officers

221st Infantry Reserve Troitsko-Sergievsky Regiment Officers

Альбом с фотографиями офицеров 221-го пехотного резервного Троицко-Сергиевского полка

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich visit to the Simbirsk Cadet Corps, 1900

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich visit to the Simbirsk Cadet Corp...

1900. Пребывание Великого Князя Константина Константиновича в Симбирском Кадетском Корпусе

Kiev Military Historical Society, 1912.
Saratov fire fighters, 1900s
Saratov fire fighters, 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Uniforms of cavalry regiments of the Russian army, 1820s

Мундиры кавалерийских полков российской армии с начала царствования императора Александра I-го

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

Uniforms of the Russian Imperial army

1793. Изображение мундиров Российско-Императорского войска

Russian Cadet Corps Uniforms, before 1833
Russian Cadet Corps Uniforms, before 1833
History of Russian Imperial Life Guards
History of Russian Imperial Life Guards
Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Life Guards Horse Artillery in Gudim-Levkovich's album

Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия в альбоме Гудим-Левковича

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg

Первый Кадетский корпус в Санкт-Петербурге

Crimean police. 1920s.

Crimean police. 1920s.

Крымская милиция

Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Russian Imperial Lifeguards Regiment
Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

Life Guards Izmailovsky Regimentб 1877-1897

1877-1897. Альбом фоторафий из истории Л.-Гв. Измайловского полка

21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment

21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment

21 драгунский Белорусский полк

21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment

21st Dragoon Belorussian Regiment

21 драгунский Белорусский полк


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