Fersman's Catalog. Precious stones in a diamond frame. Collection of v...
Precious stones in a diamond frame. Collection of valuables of the Romanov Imperial House. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 i... More
Title page of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Aca...
Title page of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 issues.Issue. Issues 1-4. L .: People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR, 1924-1926. 40 x 31... More
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond jewelry from the collections of the House o...
Diamond jewelry from the collections of the House of Romanovs. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 issues.Issue. Issues 1-4. L ... More
Fersman's Catalog. Plastron - a replica of the work of the jewelry fir...
Plastron - a replica of the work of the jewelry firm K. Faberge XIX century. Platinum, gold, diamonds, emeralds. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evge... More
Fersman's Catalog. Ornaments of ceremonial dresses of Russian empresse...
Jewelry of the second half of the XVIII century. Massive (not hollow) silver flowers are typical ornaments that were sewn on the ceremonial dresses of Russian empresses. In the center - Eregttes with diamonds a... More
Krátký, F. - Petrohrad - Pomník Petra Velikého (1896)
Čeština: Petrohrad - Pomník Petra Velikého. English: Peter The Great Monument in St.-Petersburg Русский: Памятник Петру Великому в Санкт-Петербурге.
Mikhail Konstantinovich Laptev, Russian Empire
Mikhail Konstantinovich Laptev (rus. Михаи́л Константи́нович Ла́птев, February 7, 1885 — October 6, 1948) — Russian mammalogist and biogeographer.
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
Trip to Biysk. Between Biysk and Ulala, 1928
1928. Поездка в Бийск. Между Бийским и Улалой
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond earrings are cherries that were part of the...
At the top - diamond earrings - cherries, part of the bridal set of brides at the Romanovs' house. Originally belonged to Catherine II. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Acad... More
Cover of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academic...
Cover of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 issues.Issue. Issues 1-4. L .: People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR, 1924-1926. 40 x 31 cm. ... More
Fersman's Catalog. Signs of the Order of St. Catherine.
Signs of the Order of St. Catherine. On the left is the decoration of the Order's hat. On the right is the Order of St. Catherine. Diamonds, rubies, gold, silver. The end of the XVIII century. Illustrations of... More
Fersman's Catalog. Egret and earrings with sapphires. Storage - Diamon...
In the center there is an egret in the form of a fountain with sapphires; right and left of it, earrings in the form of a brilliant diamond cascade with heavy, freely hanging drops of sapphire pandeloks. Storag... More
Daniil Aleksandrovich Gershtencveyg
Русский: Портрет Даниил Александрович Герштенцвейг 1790—1848) — генерал от артиллерии, командующий артиллерий Гвардейского корпуса. Deutsch: Daniel Waldemar Gerstenzweig-Enchminski.
Голод и церковные ценности, Russian Empire
Русский: Книга Мих. Горев. Голод и церковные ценности 1922 год
Mykola Kapustianskyj, Russian Empire
Mykola Kapustiansky (February 1, 1879-February 19, 1969) - General in the army of the Ukrainian National Republic and one of the founders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
Trip to Biysk. Between Biysk and Ulala, 1928
1928. Поездка в Бийск. Между Бийским и Улалой
Trip to Biysk. Between Biysk and Ulala, 1928
1928. Поездка в Бийск. Между Бийским и Улалой
Trip to Biysk. Between Biysk and Ulala, 1928
1928. Поездка в Бийск. Между Бийским и Улалой
Fersman's Catalog. Necklace of string of pearls with diamond motifs.
A necklace of string of pearls interspersed with 15 diamond motifs, to which are attached pendants with large teardrop pearls in the girdles of diamonds. Diamonds, pearls, gold, silver. The middle of the XIX ce... More
Fersman's Catalog. A tailpiece, a necklace and two buckles from a croc...
Three items from the crocheted headset, made by master Leopold Pfisterer for Catherine II. From above - a plume-divorce from a necklace with a train (it is also called "bow-folding"). Below - two buckles from ... More
Fersman's Catalog. Earrings with amethysts and diamonds.
Top earrings with amethysts and diamonds. In the middle is a portbouquet. A miniature vase, in which was inserted a small bouquet of fresh flowers. Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel. 13.5 x 8 cm. About the year 1... More
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond earrings and other ornaments from the colle...
Diamond earrings and other ornaments from the collections of the House of Romanovs. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 issues.I... More
Fersman's Catalog. Jewels from the collection of the imperial family o...
Jewels from the collection of the imperial family of the House of Romanovs. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 issues.Issue. I... More
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond Emerald Crown of the Empress Alexandra Feod...
A brilliant emerald crown of magnificent pariyura was made for the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in 1900 by jeweler Schverin from Bolin. The crown is decorated with a large, quadrangular, conical crown, emerald ... More
Kratky, F. - Carske selo (1896)
Čeština: Kateřina palác v Carském Selu. English: Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo, St.-Petersburg Русский: Екатерининский дворец в Царском Селе, Санкт-Петербург.
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
1925. Red Manchester. Ivanovo-Voznesensk and province
1925. Красный Манчестер. Иваново-Вознесенская губерния
Trip to Biysk. Between Biysk and Ulala, 1928
1928. Поездка в Бийск. Между Бийским и Улалой
On the day of the funeral of the Great World Proletarian Leader V.I. U...
1924. В день похорон Великого Мирового Пролетарского Вождя В.И. Ульянова (Ленина) на взрывзаводе имени Я.М. Свердлова. 27 января
Fersman's Catalog. A large diamond buckle-agrament of Catherine II.
A large diamond buckle-agrament, fastening the mantle of Catherine II, supposedly the work of the court jeweler Jeremiah Pose. According to another source (Igor Zimin and Alexander Sokolov, "Jewelry Treasures o... More
Fersman's Catalog. Folding fan in the unfolded state. Collection of va...
Folding fan in the unfolded state. Collection of valuables of the Romanov Imperial House. In the catalog this fan is presented photographed from two sides. Reverse side on page 25. Illustrations of the catalog... More
Fersman's Catalog. Kokoshnik, decorated with pearls. Collection of val...
Kokoshnik, decorated with pearls. Collection of valuables of the Romanov Imperial House. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 iss... More
Fersman's Catalog. The Imperial Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, ...
At the top is a diamond star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the left - a diamond monogram of the Empress Catherine II. In the center - the Imperial Order of St. Catherine 2-nd degree. On the cr... More
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond brooches and a bracelet with portraits from...
Diamond brooches and a bracelet with portraits from the collections of the House of Romanovs. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in ... More
Fersman's Catalog. Diamond brushes of the time of Catherine II of the ...
The lower row - diamond brushes of the times of Catherine II of the work of jeweler Duval. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 is... More
Fersman's Catalog. A diamond bow-brooch, created for Catherine the Gre...
At the top is a diamond bow-brooch, created for Catherine the Great in the second half of the 18th century. At the auction Sotheby's in 2016 was exhibited in the (clasp) diamond necklace. The photo of the neckl... More
Смирнов, Яков Семёнович, Russian Empire
Русский: Генерал-майор Яков Семёнович Смирнов