
423 media by topicpage 1 of 5
Astrakhan, Fish processing, Russian Empire

Astrakhan, Fish processing, Russian Empire

Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More

Solovyov-Nedykhlyaev's paint shop - Kirzhach, Russia

Solovyov-Nedykhlyaev's paint shop - Kirzhach, Russia

Solovyov-Nedykhlyaeva's paint shop In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. After the aboliti... More

In the yard of a match factory. Volyn province. Smooth

In the yard of a match factory. Volyn province. Smooth

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

1900-е. Строительство КВЖД на отрезке Харбин-Хайлар

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

1900-е. Строительство КВЖД на отрезке Харбин-Хайлар

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Шпагатная фабрика акционерного общества канатной фабрики Нева (Полюстровский участок, пр. императора Петра Великого, 4)

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Шпагатная фабрика акционерного общества канатной фабрики Нева (Полюстровский участок, пр. императора Петра Великого, 4)

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Stationery factory of joint-stock company G.I. Pallizen, 1900s

Stationery factory of joint-stock company G.I. Pallizen, 1900s

1900-е. Писчебумажная фабрика акционерного общества Г.И.Паллизен

Stationery factory E.K. Krel (Saint Petersburg province, Antropshino)

Stationery factory E.K. Krel (Saint Petersburg province, Antropshino)

Писчебумажная фабрика Э.К.Крель (Петербургская губ., Антропшино)

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

1873-1874. Железнодорожное строительство в Пензенской губернии

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

1873-1874. Железнодорожное строительство в Пензенской губернии

St. Petersburg mechanical shoe production Skorokhod 1912

St. Petersburg mechanical shoe production Skorokhod 1912

1912. Товарищество Санкт-Петербургского механического производства обуви Скороход (Заставская, д.15)

Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Поселок Знаменского стекольного завода

Wooden Ship Building, Russian Far East
Wooden Ship Building, Russian Far East
Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

1918. Рабоче-крестьянский университета им.тов. Зиновьева

Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

1918. Рабоче-крестьянский университета им.тов. Зиновьева

Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

Workers' and Peasants' University named after Comrade Zinoviev, 1918

1918. Рабоче-крестьянский университета им.тов. Зиновьева

Mechanical repair department of the Nikopol-Mariupol Metallurgical Society, 1900s

Mechanical repair department of the Nikopol-Mariupol Metallurgical Soc...

1902-1906. Подарок служащих механического ремонтного отделения завода Никополь-Мариупольского металлургического общества.

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Circum Baikal Railway construction, 1900s
Putilovs heavy machinery plant, Saint Petersburg, 1912-1917
A group of workers extracting curative mud from the bottom of the estuary, near the mud dredge

A group of workers extracting curative mud from the bottom of the estu...

The stay of members of the imperial family in Odessa and the mud bath at the Kuyalnik estuary.1914-1915 - Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане.1914-1915

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku.

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku.

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku. Опускание трубы в нефтяную скважину. Баку.

Alexandrov, Forges, Moscow, Russian Empire

Alexandrov, Forges, Moscow, Russian Empire

Forges. Alexandrov has been known since the middle of the 14th century. Since 15th century a place of rest for the Moscow princes. In 1509-1515 a large complex of the prince's residence was built. Was the main ... More

Aluminum foundry, Niagara falls

Aluminum foundry, Niagara falls

1896-1897. Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Часть 11. Поездка в США

At the match factory. Volyn province. Rovno

At the match factory. Volyn province. Rovno

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

1900-е. Строительство КВЖД на отрезке Харбин-Хайлар

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Шпагатная фабрика акционерного общества канатной фабрики Нева (Полюстровский участок, пр. императора Петра Великого, 4)

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

Railway construction in the Penza province, 1873-1874

1873-1874. Железнодорожное строительство в Пензенской губернии

Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Поселок Знаменского стекольного завода

Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Поселок Знаменского стекольного завода

Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Wooden Ship Building, Russian Far East
Wooden Ship Building, Russian Far East
Eiffel Tower - Beginning of Construction, 1887
Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Putilovs heavy machinery plant, Saint Petersburg, 1912-1917
Behind Revolt Square, Petrograd [s.d.]

Behind Revolt Square, Petrograd [s.d.]

Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia ( ) ..Notes: The back o... More

Members of the Arkhangelsk Union of Print Workers. 1905

Members of the Arkhangelsk Union of Print Workers. 1905

Members of the Arkhangelsk Union of Print Workers. 1905 Члены Архангельского союза рабочих печатного дела. 1905

Workers of the oil industry. Baku.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku. Рабочие нефтяного промысла. Баку.

West Siberian and Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk railways. 1892-1896

West Siberian and Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk railways. 1892-1896

Альбом видов Западно-Сибирской и Екатеринбурго-Челябинской железных дорог. 1892-1896 г

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Harbin-Hailar part.

1900-е. Строительство КВЖД на отрезке Харбин-Хайлар

Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Russian Railway Workers in 1900s
Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Twine factory of the Neva Rope Factory Joint Stock Company, 1900s

Шпагатная фабрика акционерного общества канатной фабрики Нева (Полюстровский участок, пр. императора Петра Великого, 4)

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

Building The Chinese Eastern Railway, Russia, 1900

The Chinese Eastern Railway system in Northeast China. The Russian Empire constructed the line from 1897 to 1902 during the Great Game period.

Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Vladivostok port. Construction works.
Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Settlement of Znamensky Glass Factory

Поселок Знаменского стекольного завода

Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Emil Tsindel Textile Manufacture in Moscow
Mechanical repair department of the Nikopol-Mariupol Metallurgical Society, 1900s

Mechanical repair department of the Nikopol-Mariupol Metallurgical Soc...

1902-1906. Подарок служащих механического ремонтного отделения завода Никополь-Мариупольского металлургического общества.

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

Textile production of the Ludwig Rabeneck Manufactory

1890-1900-е. Альбом «Текстильное производство Товарищества мануфактур Людвиг Рабенек».

Circum Baikal Railway construction, 1900s
Circum Baikal Railway construction, 1900s
Putilovs heavy machinery plant, Saint Petersburg, 1912-1917

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