world war i event

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Russian soldiers fire artillery at Turkish position across a valley in the Caucas...HD Stock Footage

Russian soldiers fire artillery at Turkish position across a valley in...

Link to order this clip: Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clip... More

Moscow. 1914 year. Tverskaya street. Collecting tobacco for the Russian army. World War I.

Moscow. 1914 year. Tverskaya street. Collecting tobacco for the Russia...

Кинохроника 1914 года из "Pathé-journal", выпускавшейся фирмой "Пате", называется "Сборъ табаку для русской армiи".

WWI - Russian Navy Exercises 220495-10 | Footage Farm

WWI - Russian Navy Exercises 220495-10 | Footage Farm

If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [WWI - Russian Navy Exercises, ca 191?, partial] Note... More

WWI - Russian Naval Training Exercises & Submarine 220495-01 | Footage Farm

WWI - Russian Naval Training Exercises & Submarine 220495-01 | Footage...

If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [WWI - Russian Naval Training Exercises & Submarine (... More