Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers take a review of the 85th Vyborg Emperor Wilhelm II regiment. - Императоры Николай II и Вильгельм II с группой офицеров производят смотр 85-го Выборг... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials greet Emperor Nicholas II
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials and residents greet Emperor Nicholas II - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and Adjutant General N. V. Kleigels. - The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empi... More
Marine Minister IK Grigorovich talking with German officer. Meeting of...
Marine Minister IK Grigorovich (right) talking with an officer of the German army. Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. Морской министр И.К.Григор... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Поездка императора Николая II по западу российской империи. 1904.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Поездка императора Николая II по западу российской империи. 1904.
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Marine Minister Grigorovich with officers - arrival of the German Empe...
Marine Minister IK Grigorovich (right) with officers on the parade ground on the day of the arrival of the German Emperor Wilhelm II Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm I... More
Zhmerynka. Residents greet Emperor Nicholas
Zhmerynka. Residents greet Emperor Nicholas II with bread and salt; on the left hand of Nicholas II - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and Adjutant General N. V. Kleigels. - The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to ... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Поездка императора Николая II по западу российской империи. 1904.
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Поездка императора Николая II по западу российской империи. 1904.
German yacht Hohenzollern, cruiser Moltke. Meeting of Nicholas II with...
Arrival of the German yacht Hohenzollern, accompanied by the cruiser Moltke to the raid of the Baltic port. Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. П... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers take a review of the 85th Vyborg Emperor Wilhelm II regiment. - Императоры Николай II и Вильгельм II с группой офицеров производят смотр 85-го Выборг... More
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
Prayer on the Annunciation Square. Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. - Молебен на Благовещенской площади. Встреча Императора Николая II. г. Нижний Новгород 1913 г.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers take a review of the 85th Vyborg Emperor Wilhelm II regiment. - Императоры Николай II и Вильгельм II с группой офицеров производят смотр 85-го Выборг... More
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials and residents greet Emperor Nicholas I...
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials and residents greet Emperor Nicholas II with bread and salt; on the left hand of Nicholas II - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and Adjutant General N. V. Kleigels. - The trip o... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. - Встреча Императора Николая II. г. Нижний Новгород 1913 г.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers take a review of the 85th Vyborg Emperor Wilhelm II regiment. - Императоры Николай II и Вильгельм II с группой офицеров производят смотр 85-го Выборг... More
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
The emperor and empress exit from the Transfiguration Cathedral. Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. - Выход императора и императрицы из Спасо - Преображенского собора. Встреча Императора Н... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II, Wilhelm II, Prince Albert and a group of officers are sent to the parade of troops. Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. Имп... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Berezina. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian E...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition. Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. - Всероссийская промышленная и художественная выставка. Встреча Императора Николая II. г. Нижний Новгород 1913 г.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Emperors Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers take a review of the 85th Vyborg Emperor Wilhelm II regiment. - Императоры Николай II и Вильгельм II с группой офицеров производят смотр 85-го Выборг... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Nicholas II and Wilhelm II with a group of officers review the 85th Vy...
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials and residents greet Emperor Nicholas
Zhmerynka. Provincial officials and residents greet Emperor Nicholas II with bread and salt; on the left hand of Nicholas II - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and Adjutant General N. V. Kleigels. - The trip o... More
Imperial yachts Standard and Polar Star and battleships Pavel I and An...
Imperial yachts Standard and Polar Star and battleships Pavel I and Andrew Pervozvanny in anticipation of the arrival of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the Germa... More
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II at the station Babruysk. December 2...
Soldiers of the 157th Imeretinsky and 158th Kutaisi Regiments. The trip of Emperor Nicholas II to the west of the Russian Empire. 1904. - Солдаты 157-го Имеретинского и 158-го Кутаисского полков. Поездка импера... More
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
Group of the local trade society. Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. Группа ремесленного общества, встречающих царя Николая II. Встреча Императора Николая II. г. Нижний Новгород 1913 г.
Emperor Nicholas II. in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913..
Meeting of Emperor Nicholas II. Nizhny Novgorod, 1913. - Встреча Императора Николая II. г. Нижний Новгород 1913 г.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.
Meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II
Meeting of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in the Baltic port. - Встреча российского императора Николая II с германским императором Вильгельмом II в Балтийском порту.