государственная дума

279 media by topicpage 1 of 3
The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers.

The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers.

The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Трибуна председателя и места министров. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Wifes of the deputies First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. 1906.

Wifes of the deputies First State Duma at the first meeting of the Fir...

Wifes of the deputies First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. 1906. Жёны депутатов. Открытие I Государственной думы. 27 апреля 1906.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 1st convocation.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of...

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 1st convocation. The Duma of the first convocation held one session and lasted 72 days, from Ap... More

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison.

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for ...

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison. Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly a... More

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison.

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for ...

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison. Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly a... More

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917. Зал заседаний государственной думы 1906-1917 года.

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of the French Republic Loubet.

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of ...

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of the French Republic Loubet. Санкт Петербург. Государственная Дума во время пребывания президента Французской Республики Лубэ.

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 1910's.

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 19...

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 1910's. Счетная комиссия по выборам депутатов Государственной Думы. 1910-е.

Semyonovsky Regiment  on Palace Square

Semyonovsky Regiment on Palace Square

The Orchestra of the Life Guards Regiment of the Semyonovsky Regiment leaves the Winter Palace on Palace Square during the reception by the Emperor Nicholas II of members of the First State Duma. Opening of the... More

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment

The squadron of the Life Guards of His Majesty the Cossack regiment passes by the Winter Palace after the end of the reception by the Emperor Nicholas II of the members of the City Council and the deputies of t... More

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace.

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting o...

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Приезд депутатов Первой Государственной думы... More

A group of deputies of the First State Duma FF Kokoshkin, SA Murotsev, II Petrunkevich, MM Vinaver, VD Nabokov.

A group of deputies of the First State Duma FF Kokoshkin, SA Murotsev,...

A group of deputies of the First State Duma FF Kokoshkin, SA Murotsev, II Petrunkevich, MM Vinaver, VD Nabokov. Группа депутатов Первой Государственной думы Ф.Ф.Кокошкин, С.А.Муромцев, И.И.Петрункевич, М.М.Вин... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906. Legislative elections were held in the Russian Empire from 26 March 1906 till 20 April. At stake were the 478 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the... More

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906. Legislative elections were held in the Russian Empire from 26 March 1906 till 20 April. At stake were the 478 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the... More

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The palace facade. The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Дворцовый фасад. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deput...

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deputies of the First State Duma. Князь Дмитрий Иванович Шаховской. Кокошкин Фёдор Фёдорович. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the Firs...

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the First State Duma. Брамсон, Огнев, Лебедев, Ковалевский, Острогорский. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputie...

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputies of the First State Duma. Хрущев, Медведев, Афанасьев, Костромитинов, Ахтямов. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace after receiving the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Депутаты Первой Государственной думы выходят из Зимнего дворц... More

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace.

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting o...

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Приезд депутатов Первой Государственной думы... More

Maxim Maksimovich Kovalevsky, professor of St. Petersburg University, elected from Kharkov province (right); Gertsenshtein Mikhail Yakovlevich,

Maxim Maksimovich Kovalevsky, professor of St. Petersburg University, ...

Deputies of the First State Duma, leaders of the group of democratic reforms - Maxim Maksimovich Kovalevsky, professor of St. Petersburg University, elected from Kharkov province (right); Gertsenshtein Mikhail ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906.

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First Sta...

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Первое заседание Первой Государственной думы в Таврическом... More

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Public seats entrance. State Duma

Public seats entrance. State Duma

Public seats entrance. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Вход на хоры для публики. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov. December 5, 1912

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Mi...

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov. December 5, 1912 Историческое заседание 4-ой Государственной Думы Председатель Совета министров Вла... More

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906.

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First Sta...

Deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Первое заседание Первой Государственной думы в Таврическом... More

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 1st convocation.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of...

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna at the opening of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 1st convocation. The Duma of the first convocation held one session and lasted 72 days, from Ap... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906. Legislative elections were held in the Russian Empire from 26 March 1906 till 20 April. At stake were the 478 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the... More

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906. Legislative elections were held in the Russian Empire from 26 March 1906 till 20 April. At stake were the 478 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the... More

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906.

Elections to the State Duma in Krasnoyarsk, 1906. Legislative elections were held in the Russian Empire from 26 March 1906 till 20 April. At stake were the 478 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the... More

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Зал собраний депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies ...

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies of the First State Duma. Токарский, Шершеневич, Волчкович, Иваницкий, Араканцев. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's Freedom" in the Central Party Club. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's...

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's Freedom" in the Central Party Club. Deputies of the First State Duma. Заседание Центрального Комитета и районных отделов "Народной Свободы... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Guards troops on Palace Square, Russian Empire

Guards troops on Palace Square, Russian Empire

Guards troops on Palace Square during the reception by Emperor Nicholas II of the members of the City Council and deputies of the First State Duma. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Гвардейски... More

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace

Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace after receiving the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Депутаты Первой Государственной думы выходят из Зимнего дворц... More

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace.

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting o...

The arrival of deputies of the First State Duma at the first meeting of the First State Duma in the Tauride Palace. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Приезд депутатов Первой Государственной думы... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

First Duma gathered in Terioks, 1906

Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly after the adoption of the Vyborg proclamation. The meeting was held on July 14 (27), 1906. The Trudovik deputies proposed the creati... More

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison.

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for ...

Deputies of the First State Duma, sentenced to 3 months in prison for signing the Vyborg proclamation, at the gates of the prison. Deputies (Cadets and Trudoviks) of the First Duma gathered in Terioks shortly a... More

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin.

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin.

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin. Члены I Государственной Думы В.Д.Набоков и А.Ф.Аладьин.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Зал собраний депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the...

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the First State Duma. Кедрин, Новгородцев, Бородин, Котляревский, Васильев. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More


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