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The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917

The meeting room of the State Duma 1906-1917. Зал заседаний государственной думы 1906-1917 года.

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of the French Republic Loubet.

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of ...

Saint Petersburg. The State Duma during the visit of the President of the French Republic Loubet. Санкт Петербург. Государственная Дума во время пребывания президента Французской Республики Лубэ.

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 1910's.

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 19...

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. 1910's. Счетная комиссия по выборам депутатов Государственной Думы. 1910-е.

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Public seats entrance. State Duma

Public seats entrance. State Duma

Public seats entrance. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Вход на хоры для публики. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov. December 5, 1912

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Mi...

Historical meeting of the 4th State Duma Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov. December 5, 1912 Историческое заседание 4-ой Государственной Думы Председатель Совета министров Вла... More

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The building of the State Duma of The Russian Empire

The palace facade. The building of the State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Дворцовый фасад. Здание Государственной Думы (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deput...

Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Shakhovskoy. Kokoshkin Fedor Fedorovich. Deputies of the First State Duma. Князь Дмитрий Иванович Шаховской. Кокошкин Фёдор Фёдорович. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the Firs...

Bramson, Ognev, Lebedev, Kovalevsky, Ostrogorsky. Deputies of the First State Duma. Брамсон, Огнев, Лебедев, Ковалевский, Острогорский. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputie...

Khrushchev, Medvedev, Afanasyev, Kostromitinov, and Akhtyamov. Deputies of the First State Duma. Хрущев, Медведев, Афанасьев, Костромитинов, Ахтямов. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Зал собраний депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Shakhovskoy, Dolgorukov, Muromtsev, Gredeskul, Shaposhnikov, Kokoshkin, Poniatowski, Shershenevich, Bolkvadze, Deputies of the First State Duma.

Shakhovskoy, Dolgorukov, Muromtsev, Gredeskul, Shaposhnikov, Kokoshkin...

Shakhovskoy, Dolgorukov, Muromtsev, Gredeskul, Shaposhnikov, Kokoshkin, Poniatowski, Shershenevich, Bolkvadze, Deputies of the First State Duma. Шаховской, Долгоруков, Муромцев, Гредескул, Шапошников, Кокошкин... More

Khrushchev. Yakushkin, Tatarinov, Balakhontsev, Dolzhenkov, Deputies of the First State Duma.

Khrushchev. Yakushkin, Tatarinov, Balakhontsev, Dolzhenkov, Deputies o...

Khrushchev. Yakushkin, Tatarinov, Balakhontsev, Dolzhenkov, Deputies of the First State Duma. Хрущев. Якушкин, Татаринов, Балахонцев, Долженков, Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Parliamentary group of "People's Freedom" in Teriok after the dissolution of the Duma; Deputies of the First State Duma.

Parliamentary group of "People's Freedom" in Teriok after the dissolut...

Parliamentary group of "People's Freedom" in Teriok after the dissolution of the Duma; Deputies of the First State Duma. Парламентская группа "Народной Свободы" в Териоках после роспуска Думы; Депутаты I Госуд... More

Nikolai Alexeevich Khomyakov. Chairman of the Third State Duma.

Nikolai Alexeevich Khomyakov. Chairman of the Third State Duma.

Nikolai Alexeevich Khomyakov. Chairman of the State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Provisional Committee of the State Duma. G.E. Lviv, V.A. Rzhevsky, S.I. Shidlovsky, M.V. Rodzianko, V.V. Shulgin, I.I. Dmitryukov, B.A. Engelhardt, A.F. Kerensky, M.A. Karaulov. 1917.

Provisional Committee of the State Duma. G.E. Lviv, V.A. Rzhevsky, S.I...

Provisional Committee of the State Duma. G.E. Lviv, V.A. Rzhevsky, S.I. Shidlovsky, M.V. Rodzianko, V.V. Shulgin, I.I. Dmitryukov, B.A. Engelhardt, A.F. Kerensky, M.A. Karaulov. 1917. Временный комитет Государ... More

The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers.

The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers.

The rostrum of the chairman and the seats of ministers. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Трибуна председателя и места министров. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Зал собраний депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies ...

Tokarsky, Shershenevich, Volchkovich, Ivanitsky, Arakantsev. Deputies of the First State Duma. Токарский, Шершеневич, Волчкович, Иваницкий, Араканцев. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's Freedom" in the Central Party Club. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's...

Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's Freedom" in the Central Party Club. Deputies of the First State Duma. Заседание Центрального Комитета и районных отделов "Народной Свободы... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin.

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin.

Members of the First State Duma VD Nabokov and AF Aladin. Члены I Государственной Думы В.Д.Набоков и А.Ф.Аладьин.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg.

Assembly hall. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Зал собраний депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the...

Kedrin, Novgorodtsev, Borodin, Kotlyarevsky, Vasilyev. Deputies of the First State Duma. Кедрин, Новгородцев, Бородин, Котляревский, Васильев. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of The Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restricti... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More

Views of Tavricheskiy Palace from the Third State Duma Album

Views of Tavricheskiy Palace from the Third State Duma Album

Views of Tavrichesky Palace from the Third State Duma Album. Виды Таврического Дворца из Альбома Третьей Государственной Думы.

Assembly seats. State Duma, Russian Empire

Assembly seats. State Duma, Russian Empire

Assembly seats. State Duma (Tavrichesky Palace). Saint Petersburg. Места депутатов. Государственная Дума (Таврический Дворец). Санкт Петербург.

Kareyev. Petrazhitsky. Nabokov. Rodichev. Herzenstein. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Kareyev. Petrazhitsky. Nabokov. Rodichev. Herzenstein. Deputies of the...

Kareyev. Petrazhitsky. Nabokov. Rodichev. Herzenstein. Deputies of the First State Duma. Кареев. Петражицкий. Набоков. Родичев. Герценштейн. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Sheftel, Yollos, Obninsky, Yezersky, Belyashevsky, Deputies of the First State Duma.

Sheftel, Yollos, Obninsky, Yezersky, Belyashevsky, Deputies of the Fir...

Sheftel, Yollos, Obninsky, Yezersky, Belyashevsky, Deputies of the First State Duma. Шефтель, Иоллос, Обнинский, Езерский, Беляшевский, Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Chkheidze, Chenkheli, Skobelev and other Duma Social-Democrats. Deputies of the First State Duma.

Chkheidze, Chenkheli, Skobelev and other Duma Social-Democrats. Deputi...

Chkheidze, Chenkheli, Skobelev and other Duma Social-Democrats. Deputies of the First State Duma. Чхеидзе, Ченхели, Скобелев и другие думские социал-демократы. Депутаты I Государственной думы.

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma of Russian Empire

Deputies of the First State Duma. - Депутаты I Государственной думы. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma.

Deputies of the Third State Duma. Simultaneously with the decree on the dissolution of the Duma of the Second convocation on June 3, 1907, a new Provision on elections to the Duma was published. Elections to t... More


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