нефтяная индустрия

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Astrakhan, Production of fuel oil, Nobel

Astrakhan, Production of fuel oil, Nobel

Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More

Oil field in Baku - Public domain historical image

Oil field in Baku - Public domain historical image

Oil field in Baku Нефтепромысел в Баку

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку. Контора рядом с нефтеперабатывающим заводом.

Baku. Engineering office., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Engineering office., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Engineering office. Баку. Инженерная контора. Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku oil refinery and railway oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and railway oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод и нефтяной железнодорожный терминал.

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku.

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku.

Lowering the pipe into an oil well. Baku. Опускание трубы в нефтяную скважину. Баку.

View of embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku

View of embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku

View of embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku Александровская набережная и императорская пристань.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Black island oil fountain in the oil field. Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле.

Baku. Oil fountain fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil fountain fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Fountain of burning oil on Bibi-Heybat

Fountain of burning oil on Bibi-Heybat

Фонтанирующий и горящий нефтяной фонтан на Биби-Эйбате Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

K.W. Hagelin till häst.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

K.W. Hagelin till häst.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direkt...

K.W. Hagelin till häst.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Baku. Oil fountain., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil fountain., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil field fountain. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Train station Oil Freight Train, Baku - Public domain photograph.

Train station Oil Freight Train, Baku - Public domain photograph.

Oil Freight Train, Baku Грузовой состав - цистерны с нефтью

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Баку, Балаханы. Добыча нефти.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells. Баку. Добыча нефти из колодцев и скважин.

Baku. Oil fountain in the Nobel-owned oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the Nobel-owned oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the Nobel-owned oil field (Balahany). Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле Нобеля (Балаханы).

Koleraåret (1892) i Baku. K.W Hagelin & de 2 koleraläkarna Blackstein och Sekubenko.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Koleraåret (1892) i Baku. K.W Hagelin & de 2 koleraläkarna Blackstein ...

Koleraåret (1892) i Baku. K.W Hagelin & de 2 koleraläkarna Blackstein och Sekubenko.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод и нефтяной железнодорожный терминал.

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1888 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku.

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku.

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku. Горящие нефтяные фонтаны в Биби-Эйбате. Баку.

Baku. Fire of the oil lake., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire of the oil lake., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells. Баку. Добыча нефти из колодцев и скважин.

Oil rig. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig. Baku. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field. Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле.

Oil refinery workers, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery workers, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku Oil industy Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Oil production fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil production fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Фонтанирующий и горящий нефтяной фонтан Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Astrakhan harbor, oil tankers on Volga river

Astrakhan harbor, oil tankers on Volga river

Oil Tankers. Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, ... More

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Primitive vehicle for oil transportation.

Primitive vehicle for oil transportation.

Primitive vehicle for oil transportation. Примитивная повозка для первозки нефти. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Oil production. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Baku. Oil production. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Baku. Oil production. Баку. Добыча нефти.

Baku. Oil rig fire., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil rig fire., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Oil refinery in a black city, Baku.

Oil refinery in a black city, Baku.

Oil refinery in a black city, Baku. Нефтеперерабатывающий завод в чёрном городе, Баку.

Baku. Bibi Eibat - Fire in the oil field.

Baku. Bibi Eibat - Fire in the oil field.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле Биби Эйбат

The fire of the oil fountain of the Caspian-Black Sea comrade Surakha Tsakh in 1911.

The fire of the oil fountain of the Caspian-Black Sea comrade Surakha ...

The fire of the oil fountain of the Caspian-Black Sea comrade Surakha Tsakh in 1911. Пожар нефтяного фонтана Каспийско-Черноморского товарицества Сураха Цах в 1911 году.

Baku. The Tatar dacha., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. The Tatar dacha., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. The Tatar dacha. Баку. Татарская дача.

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14907, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14907, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Fotogenförsäljare i Baku. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG21278 - Public domain portrait print

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG21278 - Public domain portrait print

Porträtt av fyra familjer. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station. Баку. Сцена принудительной мойки людей на железнодорожной станции.

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products.

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products...

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод. Лаборатория контроля качества нефтепродуктов.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field. Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks. Баку, Транспортировка нефти в цистернах.

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy. Баку, Нефтяной Промысел в Блязи.

Consequences of fire in the oil field.

Consequences of fire in the oil field.

Consequences of fire in the oil field. Последсвия пожара на нефтепромысле.

Collecting oil spills from the well. Baku.

Collecting oil spills from the well. Baku.

Collecting oil spills from the well. Baku. Сбор разлива нефти из скважины. Баку.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku

Workers of the oil industry. Baku

Workers of the oil industry. Baku Работники нефтяного промысла. Баку

Oil refinery. Baku. The oil industry.

Oil refinery. Baku. The oil industry.

Oil refinery. Baku. The oil industry. Завод по переработке нефти. Баку. Нефтяная индустрия.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production. Баку, Биби-Эйбат. Добыча нефти. Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vats and equipment of an oil refinery under construction. Baku, 1888

Vats and equipment of an oil refinery under construction. Baku, 1888

Vats and equipment of an oil refinery under construction. Baku, 1888 Чаны и мешалки строящегося нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1888

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company.

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company.

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company. Эммануил Нобель. Танкер нефтяной компании Нобеля.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку. Контора рядом с нефтеперабатывающим заводом.

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku Баилов мыс и корабельный док в Баку

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14859, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14859, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Koleraåret (1892) i Baku. K.W Hagelin & de 2 koleraläkarna Blackstein och Sekubenko. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14882, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG14882, Tekniska museet, Sweden

En "ovdan" i steppen. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Baku. Oil field, 1900s., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil field, 1900s., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil field, 1900s. Баку. Нефтепромысел, 1900е.

Baku. Oil field, 1900s., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil field, 1900s., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil field, 1900s. Баку. Нефтепромысел, 1900е.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku.

Workers of the oil industry. Baku. Рабочие нефтяного промысла. Баку.

A pool for the production of fuel oil. Oil industry Nobel. Baku.

A pool for the production of fuel oil. Oil industry Nobel. Baku.

A pool for the production of fuel oil. Oil industry Nobel. Baku. Бассйн для производства мазута. Нефтяной промысел Нобеля. Баку.

Baku. Fire in the oil rig field.

Baku. Fire in the oil rig field.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Baku. Rigs and oil fountain in fire.

Baku. Rigs and oil fountain in fire.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG95079, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG95079, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Nybyggd mazutgrop, Baku. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Work on an oil well, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Work on an oil well, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Work on an oil well, Baku Работы на нефтяной скважине, Баку

Baku. Oil industry., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil industry., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil industry. Баку. Нефтяные промыслы.

Oil rig, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil production. Баку. Добыча нефти.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод и нефтяной железнодорожный терминал. Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1900

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1900 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku.

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku.

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku. Осадка трубы в скважину. Нефтяной промысел. Баку.

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG93944, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Alfred Nobel, Baku - DIG93944, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Porträtt av Th. Arvidsson. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891. Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Баку, Балаханы. Добыча нефти.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production.

Baku, Bibi-Eibat. Oil production. Баку, Биби-Эйбат. Добыча нефти.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Balakhany.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Balakhany.

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле. Балаханы.

Burning oil fountains. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Burning oil fountains. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Burning oil fountains. Baku. Горящие нефтяные фонтаны. Баку.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Postcard.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Postcard.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Баку, Балаханы. Добыча нефти.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production.

Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Баку, Балаханы. Добыча нефти. Public domain photograph of antique or medieval ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

View of embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku

View of embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku

Picryl description: Public domain image of a canal, barge, historic place, water reflection, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Stereogram, Baku, Oil rigs., Russian Empire, 19th century

Stereogram, Baku, Oil rigs., Russian Empire, 19th century

Stereogram, Baku, Oil rigs. Стереограма, Баку, Нефтяные вышки. Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Porträtt av Th. Arvidsson. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av Th. Arvidsson. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-...

Porträtt av Th. Arvidsson. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av N. Marjin. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av N. Marjin. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891...

Porträtt av N. Marjin. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Hos Mechtikuli Aschurbehov.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Hos Mechtikuli Aschurbehov.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter di...

Hos Mechtikuli Aschurbehov.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av C. Norén. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av C. Norén. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891....

Porträtt av C. Norén. Karl Wilhelm Hagelins vän i Astracha, 1881-1891.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Oil derrick. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil derrick. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil derrick. Baku. Нефтяная вышка. Баку.

Ryttmästare Sven Borg.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Ryttmästare Sven Borg.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktö...

Ryttmästare Sven Borg.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av fyra familjer.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Porträtt av fyra familjer.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter dir...

Porträtt av fyra familjer.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.