эриванский полк

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Emperor Nicholas II receives an honor guard.

Emperor Nicholas II receives an honor guard.

The troops took to guard. To the sound of the hymn, His Imperial Majesty approached the front of the guard of honor of the 13th Life-Grenadier Erivan Regiment of His Majesty. In the days of the celebration of t... More

Emperor Nicholas II receives a guard of honor from His Majesty's 13th Life Grenadier Regiment of Erivan.

Emperor Nicholas II receives a guard of honor from His Majesty's 13th ...

To the sound of the hymn, His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II approached the front of the honor guard of the 13th Erivan Life-Grenadier Regiment of His Majesty. Greeting greetings to the commanders of the units, t... More

The Guard of Honor of His Majesty's 13th Life-Grenadier Regiment of Erivan is being held ceremonially marching before Emperor Nicholas II.

The Guard of Honor of His Majesty's 13th Life-Grenadier Regiment of Er...

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Nicholas II during the passage of the guard of honor of the 13th Life Grenadier Regiment of the Erivan Erivan. In the days of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the House o... More