Princess Elisabeth Auguste Marie Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg


Princess Elisabeth Auguste Marie Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg



Elizabeth Mavrikievna (Russian: Елизавета Маврикевна, née Princess Elisabeth Auguste Marie Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg; 25 January 1865 in Meiningen, Germany – 24 March 1927, Leipzig, Germany), was a Russian Grand Duchess by marriage. She was the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia (1858–1915), whom she married in 1884 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Mavrikievna, or "Mavra" as she was known within the Romanov family, was a popular figure and got on quite well with her nephew, Tsar Nicholas II.

Princess Elisabeth, as she was usually known, was the second child of Prince Moritz of Saxe-Altenburg (1829–1907) and his wife, Princess Augusta of Saxe-Meiningen (1843–1919). During her youth, she made several trips around Europe visiting her relatives.

On the wedding day, which took place on 27 April 1884, she wrote to him a reassuring letter, saying that "I promise you that I will never do anything to anger nor hurt you through our divided religions... I can only tell you again, how very much I love you.

She outlived most of her nine children. In the fall of 1918, they were permitted by the Bolsheviks to move by a boat called Ångermanland to Sweden (via Tallinn to Helsinki and via Mariehamn to Stockholm), at the invitation of the Swedish queen. Sweden was too expensive a place to live so they moved to Belgium by invitation of Albert I of Belgium. Later they moved to Germany, settling in Altenburg where they lived 30 years except they lived couple of years in England. Elizaveta died of cancer on 24 March 1927 in Leipzig. Prince Georgi died in New York City in 1938. Princess Vera lived at Germany until Soviet forces occupied the east part of the country, she fled to Hamburg and in 1951 she moved to United States and died there in 2001, in New York City.

Елизавета Маврикиевна (урождённая Элизавета Августа Мария Агнеса Саксен-Альтенбургская; 13 (25) января 1865, Майнинген — 24 марта 1927, Лейпциг) — немецкая принцесса, российская великая княгиня, дочь принца Морица Саксен-Альтенбургского, супруга российского великого князя Константина Константиновича, внука императора Николая I.
Елизавета Августа Мария Агнесса, принцесса Саксен-Альтенбургская, герцогиня Саксонская родилась 13/25 января 1865 года в Мейнингене в семье принца Морица Саксен-Альтенбургского (1829—1907) и принцессы Августы-Луизы Саксен-Мейнингенской (1843—1919). Принц Мориц являлся внуком великой княгини Елены Павловны, правнуком императора Павла I по материнской линии и двоюродным братом великой княгини Александры Иосифовны по отцовской. Вышла замуж 15 (27) апреля 1884 года в Петербурге, приняла имя Елизавета Маврикиевна, но православия не принимала, оставшись лютеранкой. С мужем поселилась в Мраморном дворце. Супруг приходился ей троюродным дядей (оба были потомками императора Павла I).


AI Findings

Princess Elisabeth Auguste Marie Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg

Altenburg, Germany

Portrait of Princess Elisabeth of Saxe-Altenburg, wearing a dark dress with lace collar and cuffs, and a jeweled brooch.





Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых

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